13.0 Step by step

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„So have you hunted before?" Tsireya asked me as we walked to the edge of town together.
It was very early, the sun barely risen, when Tsireya told me we would go hunting together.

I was happy to be doing something, so I wouldn't feel useless. But today my body started to feel, everything from the last few days. My shoulders and arms were aching, my legs had less strength in them so overall I wasn't exceeding physically.

Nodding I responded „Yes, my father's a hunter. He taught me." I didn't spend as much time with my father, hunting, as I did with my mother but my skills were not bad. Ratxaw would be excited right now.

We passed the last hut where hiding behind it, was a big collection of hunting gear.
„Most people have hunting gear at their huts, so today we can take some from here." Tsireya grabbed a net and handed it to me. Then she grabbed two spears and we made our way to the ocean.

„By the way, how did you sleep? Is the hut cozy?"
She asked and looked at me. I found out that she's the same age as Lo'ak, so about a year or so younger than me. She was also slightly smaller, making her have to look up a bit whenever she talked to me.

„Oh yes, thank you." I replied, smiling. If I had to be honest, I hadn't slept much. The memories of my mother and the sky people kept me up for most of the night. But I did feel better after letting it out with Neteyam yesterday.

She showed me how to use the spear to hunt fish. Their water was so clear, you barely had any trouble seeing the fish. One her first try she caught one and we put it into the net.

„So, your turn." she turned to me and grabbed the net to place it in the sand.

I placed my spear high, positioning my body and turn my hips slightly.

Her hand came to my arms, correcting me „Good form. Just make sure to highen your arm, it gives you a better aim."

I focused on one fish, it was yellow and it stood out from the others. I took a deep breath in and threw the spear into the water.
And missed the fish by a bit. Frustrated I huffed and went to get my spear.

„It's okay, try again." she said, friendly like always.

I stood into the exact same spot again and tried to position myself. This time I angled my right arm as high as I could. Choosing my new target, again a bright colored fish I could see very clearly. I shot the spear, stronger this time but missed again.

Confused and disappointed I went to get my spear „What is it? My form?" I questioned out loud to Tsireya.

She smiled sweetly „It's only your second try. Good things take practice."

„Yes but usually I'm good at things without any practice." I mumbled. She chuckled, analyzing my form, while I prepared myself to throw the spear again.

„Well it's not your form. Try throwing the spear at a faster pace."

I nodded and threw my spear again.
And missed. Again.

This can't be possible

Groaning frustrated, I grabbed my spear out of the water and shook my head „How can this be?"

Tsireya chuckled lightly and went to say something but was interrupted by another voice.
„No way, Vawayani not getting something right. That's a first."

I turned around to Lo'ak and saw that Neteyam was there too. They were on Ilu's, swimming towards us.

I splashed him with water, earning a laugh from Neteyam. When we made eye contact he asked „Are you having trouble?" while looking at me and then descending his gaze to the spear in my hand.

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