10.0 Long Journey

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„Hey." I felt someone shake me „Wake up." the shaking continued.

I groaned „Leave me alone."
My answer was mer by a slap on my arm „Wake up skxawng. Mom is waiting for you."

The last sentence woke me up right away. I sat up straight and looked to see Ratxaw next to me.

„What did you say?" I rubbed my eyes.
„She told me to wake you and get ready. I think she's gonna pick you up soon." he replied and stood up, grabbing his bow and arrow as he left the tent without another word.

„Well what for!" I yelled and got up frustrated.

Only a few moments later my mother came back into the tent.
She was carrying different knives, upon seeing me she called out „Oh daughter there you are." she put the knives down before continuing „Come with me."

Confused I followed her out of the tent. That, I would realize later, was the mistake of the day.

Because we spent the whole day together. First we trained together, well more like she watched me train and corrected it. After that she showed me where our best fruit trees were. Then we went back to the tent and she started painting my arms.

„Mother, is there a mission today?" I asked her curiously. She was acting very strange today.

But to my surprise she shook her head „No, you don't need to worry."

I wasn't stupid, I knew something would happen. But what exactly, that was what I was trying to find out.

Once she was finished with my arms, they were covered in white markings and symbols.
„Now your hair, we'll braid it."

That's when I figured it out.

With a gasp I faced her „Mother, you won't do what I think you're doing."

Her gaze stayed on me, her eyes were cold and expressionless.
„It's the best for you. Teyney is a good boy."

I was naïve enough to believe, that she just wanted to spend time with me. But instead she was going to use me.

I felt betrayal rip through my heart.

I stood up shaking my head „But I'm too young. You can't do this."

She stood up as well, walking closer to me „We gave you time. You got to know each other, isn't that enough?"

I was taken aback by her words „Enough? No that is not enough!" when I took a breath to carry on, a hard slap landed on my cheek, knocking my head to the side.

That silenced me as my skin started to burn along with my eyes. But I controlled my tears, the satisfaction of seeing me weak is something I would not give her.

My head just stayed turned to the side. The anger I was feeling was indescribable, I couldn't even think straight.

She grabbed my arm and we walked to the Tent of the Ìhikrong'itan family. My eyes stayed averted to the ground the whole time.

„We would like to promise our daughter to your son. Their mating shall be done once they're of adult age. If she were to mate before then, we will take great shame to the family name." my mother exclaimed, talking to the parents of Teyney.

Once she finished my father stepped in „Darling, you're crossing the line now. This is her decision." he interfered calmly.

But she exploded anyway „No, this is the right thing to do! Don't dare and stop me."

They started arguing in front of everyone.
But I never looked up, I didn't have the strength for it. My hands were shaking from anger.

„Go." Ratxaw whispered to me as their argument started getting bigger.
That was when I looked up for the first time. He had a look of pity on his face „Leave, go anywhere just don't die. I'll distract them."

In that moment I wanted to cry for multiple reasons, happiness to have a brother like him included.
I nodded and slipped out of the tent, trying not get noticed.

To my luck they where too preoccupied by themselves they didn't see me leave.

So I ran to our tent and packed all of my necessities as quick as possible. Then I ran to the forest and picked any fruits for the way before I called Eka.

I made our bond and climbed her we were about to fly off when a hand grabbed my arm harshly. Making me fall down.

I looked to see who it was.

„What are you doing?" Teyneys voice sounded angry and his face looked it as well.

His grip on my arm became stronger when I yelled „You knew about this? You traitor!" I tried pushing him away from but instead he took hold of my other arm as well.

„Why don't you want to be promised to me? huh? Is there someone else?" he stared into my eyes. His eyes held a different kind of look, I'd never seen before. The sight made my stomach turn. And the hold started to hurt on my arms as I tried pulling away.

„You and I would be perfect together, you know it." he got closer to my face. A cold shiver went down my back.

But I wouldn't show any fear.

„Let go of me, don't make me tell you twice Teyney." My voice sounded low while I stared back.

Pulling my arms away with force he let me go this time.

But when I went to climb Eka again, he tried taking my hand „Come on, talk to me. You can trust me."

Pulling my hand away from him I hissed at him loudly, making him take a step back.

I felt his stare from my side as I told Eka to fly off.
And I didn't know where I should go. I only knew I needed to get as far away as possible.

                        ≿————- ❈ ————-≾

I had been flying for about four hours when I noticed Eka was getting tired. So I looked for a good hidden spot to take a break.

I was far away from my clan at this point and being with Eka calmed me down. We landed at a small part of the forest near a pond. Eka began looking for food and I sat down.

Breathing in deeply I tried taking in the silence around me. It was calming me down and healing me simultaneously.

My arms were had started bruising, a deep purple in shape of two hands coloring my deep blue skintone.
I sighed and touched my one cheek. When I felt the pain, a hiss left my mouth.

As I stared into the sky I thought about where we would go now. I couldn't live out here alone for eternity and unless I wanted to get home and be forced to be with Teyney, I couldn't return to our clan either.

I sighed and started looking around for any sign of civilization. But the place around me was deserted with only nature and animals around us.

My body started feeling weaker so I looked into my packed things for some food. That was when I saw what else I had subconsciously packed.

The map.

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