19.0 Warm welcome

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Tsireya dragged me and Kiri deeper into the village surrounded by big rocks, where a lot of Metkayina women were gathered.

„What is this?" I asked her while she lead us through the crowd, Kiri and I getting stares.

„Once a year, all the Metkayina women gather together and watch a group of warriors fight each other with this." she grabbed a piece of wood, carved into the shape of a knife.
„The winner earns the respect of the clan, when someone looses, they have to jump of that cliff." she points behind us to a high cliff and the water underneath.

„That sounds like fun, so who are we watching fight?" I asked, looking at the crowd.

„You are."

„Huh?" I turned to her but before I got to protest, Tsireya pulled me into the crowd giving me the knife made of wood.

„You'll have fun. You need this" my mouth hung open in shock as I watched her sneak her way back out of the crowd. I've been tricked.

She wants me to fight with them? Like it wasn't enough that I had to come here and intrude.

I made eye contact with a girl, she looked a little older than me. She looked me up and down, then walked away. I felt many stares at me, analyzing and judging me. And I wondered why Neytiri didn't participate.

„Alright everyone, let us start. You all know the rules, the winner is the last one standing." The Tsahiks voice sounded from my right side, drawing my attention to it.

Not realizing it started already, my breath hitched when I watched one woman push a girl onto the ground and into the water. I stepped out of the way, holding my knife close to me.

My eyes followed each person that came close to me, and, as expected, they didn't hesitate to try and eliminate me first.
A woman came charging at me with a determined face. Dodging her attack, she ran past me and I tapped her back with my knife.
She cussed unsatisfied, leaving the crowd.

Not even a moment later I heard loud footsteps in the water, coming closer. Before I could turn around I was harshly tackled to the ground. A groan left my mouth and I turned around. A girl was sitting on top of me, about to tap me with her knife.

Vigorously I pushed her back and she landed on the ground. I stood up and touched her with the tip of my knife, she hissed and stared at me as she walked away.
With time the crowd got smaller and there were less women competing. And I wouldn't admit it out loud, but I was actually enjoying it. The fighting, the adrenaline, I was in my element.

It came down to the last three, an older woman who had beat the others very aggressively, a young girl who was short and very fast, and me. They were both Metkayina warriors so I worried that they would maybe work together against me.

But to my surprise, the older woman looked at us both with a critical look and went for the young girl instead. Confused and out of breath from the previous fights, I looked to the side and saw Tsireya and Kiri watching me. They tried to cheer me on with positive faces and gestures.

A yell brought me back as I saw the young girl was now eliminated. With my eyes widened, I grabbed my knife to point it at the woman. We both charged at one another but she swiped her arm forward first. I leaned back and escaped the tip of her knife barely. She was very skilled, trying again just a second after.

I grabbed her arm this time and threw her to the side. We circled each other, looking for the right time to attack. Her blue eyes were wide and you could see the energy in them. But I was not frightened, more so challenged.

I grinned and took a step forward, trying to eliminate her. But she hissed and dodged the attack, aggressively kicking me in the hip with her foot. That made me tumble to the ground with a groan. I didn't have any time to react to the pain because impulsively I kicked her legs with my feet, sweeping her off her feet, making her fall too.

Both our weapons laying in the sand now, I got up and tried to reach it but she tackled me before I could.

I stared at her for a second, confused what she wanted to do. She was on top of me in the sand, with the water hitting us in small waves.

When it occurred to me that her knife was closer to mine I understood. My grin widened when I saw my chance and I harshly flipped us, with her on the ground now. I reached to her knife, grabbed it and touched her with it lightly.

She let her head drop back down to the sand with a sigh and I got off, standing up. When I raised my head I saw the peoples reaction, they were shocked. Honestly so was I, some of them were even whispering to each other.

All of a sudden I felt someone take my wrist and lifting it up in the air. It was the Tsahik.
„Our winner, well done warrior." she kept her hand on me and lead me through the crowd. Instead of judging eyes, this time I was met with impressed looks.

When we passed the last woman I fought, she gave me a slight smile of approval. Ronal got up on one of the big rocks and I followed.

Then she took some red colored paint and painted me with it, creating a pattern. I felt stares on me the whole time, and when she was finished she gave me a nod and I got down from the rock.

Walking through the crowd again, I didn't have to push my way through. They got out of my way this time, filling me with pride. As soon as I found Kiri and Tsireya, I breathed out relieved and walked over to them.

„That was so good, Yani." Kiri was excited and held my shoulders.
„And? Did you have fun?" Tsireya wondered, as we all walked away.

I couldn't hide my proud smile anymore „I hate to admit it, but yes."
Tsireya squeled happily at my answer „This is a way to earn their respect, now you'll have it easier with them."

I gave her a half smile „Well, I'm happy it worked out. But now I'm tired."

We walked into the direction of our huts. During the walk I noticed how every step got harder. I guess the adrenaline wore off, because I felt the pain now. Stabbing into my skin like a thousand tiny needles.

Yelping I held my right hip, where I got kicked.
„Are you hurt?" Tsireya asked and Kiri looked at my body worriedly.

Shaking my head I continued walking „I'm fine."

„Yani you-„

„No really I'm okay, I just need to rest. I will see you later." I interrupted Kiri and walked into my hut. I just needed to lay down for a little and I'll be good as new.

When I closed my eyes a feeling of giddiness overcame my body and I couldn't contain the smile on my face.

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