22.0 Honest talk

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The next day I was swimming around with Ts'ela, enjoying the clearness of the oceans and its inhabitants.

After my first attempt of doing breathing exercises, I've been practicing it on my own. And I was surprised to see that it actually made a difference. I could stay underwater for longer time now.

I spent the rest of my day yesterday in training and hiding from Neteyam. I knew we would have to talk to each other again someday, I just wasn't ready for that day yet. Not quite sure if I am today either.

So today I woke up early and decided to go swimming. Spending time with Ts'ela made me realize that she had a similar character to Eka, both of them let their wild and adventures sides show. We dove between rocks at a fast pace and she showed no sign of fear.

I told her to surface for some air and when I could breathe again, the sun had barely risen and I saw hunters gearing up already. So Aonung would probably also want to go early.

It still hasn't fully registered in my mind that he asked me to go hunting with him.

Telling Ts'ela to get back to the shore we dove down and she swam back. When we arrived I climbed off and started walking towards my hut.

„You going home already, forest girl?" his aggravating voice made me halt in my step. I turned around to see Aonung walking towards the ocean, with a spear and another weapon I hadn't seen yet.

„What an original name, you couldn't think of anything better?" I replied, walking towards him while looking around if anyone I knew could see me. I was feeling a bit ashamed that I went hunting with Aonung, out of all people.

He called his Ilu and handed me one of the weapons „It seems to give me a reaction, that's all I wanted."

Rolling my eyes I stepped back into the water. His Ilu swam up to him just seconds later and he climbed on it, making their bond.

I was about to call Ts'ela when he grabbed my free hand and pulled me closer to him. With furrowed eyebrows I pulled my hand back immediately, making him exhale frustrated.

„You don't need Ts'ela. Come." he took my hand again pulling me to sit in front of him. I turned to face him and warned him „Fine, but no touching."

He stared at me amused and answered „If you wish. Now hop on." he gestured to the small space in front of him.

When I turned back around I felt his hand sneak up my waist. I swiftly grabbed it and turned around again „I will break it." threatening him with his hand in mine, partially being serious.

He started laughing and slipped his hand out „Sorry, I was just joking."

Eyeing him I finally climbed onto the Ilu and we dove down immediately, barely giving me time to take a deep breath.

His Ilu was swimming faster than Ts'ela, making me hold on to the animal. After a few minutes, my breath started running short and I was about to sign to resurface for some air when we swam back up.

Taking a deep breath as soon as we were out of the water, I took in my surroundings. We were far away from the shore and his Ilu was swimming up to big rocks that you could climb on.

The ocean was getting uneasy, the water crashing against us in small waves. When we got to the rock I climbed up and he followed right after.

Then he stepped to the edge of the rock pointing down to the water „Okay, see these fish? How would you catch them?"

Inside you could see a few yellow fish swim around, but the water was much deeper now than when I practiced with my spear.

„With this right?" I answered, looking at the weapon in my hand. It had a built in arrow that you could send off with a button. The other times I hunted here it was always with the spear, so it was my first time using this.

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