25.0 Outcast

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The next day I was in the forest wanting to connect with the feeling of home. My hands found themselves scanning the pattern of the trees and leafs as I felt my mood lighten just by being surrounded by a known environment.

While wanting to spend time with nature, I was also looking for fruit to eat. Since I arrived here, all kinds of sea animals had been the resources for my nutrients and it was starting to feel repetitive.

Following one of the tall trees with my eyes I looked into the sky and wondered, how Eka was doing.

When I found some food, I decided to bring it into my hut. While walking back outside after dropping it off there, I noticed the sun sitting up high and felt my skin heating up. It was very warm today, much warmer than when I awoke a few hours ago.

I wanted to swim a little and walked towards the water. On my way, two men passed me and gave me a nod when we made eye contact. I noticed how they were slowly accepting me, or at least not despising me anymore. It was confusing, but I also felt proud.

I heard silent footsteps behind me and before I had the chance to turn around, a hand grabbed my arm.

„Vawayani, we're going fishing. You want to join us?" Lo'ak asked smiling lightly and holding a spear in his other hand.

Analyzing him with the spear it took me a moment to reply „Okay, sure let's go." And he pulled me into the opposite direction.

As we walked a quietness surrounded us with only the water being audible. We hadn't really had a chance to talk alone since I arrived on the island, it felt as though our relationship was weakening. But I didn't know how to start the conversation.

„So when are you thinking of going back home?" he asked randomly, breaking the silence while watching his feet step on the sand.

Amused I turned to him „Why are you asking? Do you want to get rid of me?"

With surprise written in his face he turned to me „No, that's not how I meant it. I just thought maybe you're feeling homesick." His gaze returned to his feet.

I laughed shortly before answering „I am. But I don't want to go home." not knowing how to put it into words properly.

The silence came back for a few moments before he broke it by shyly admitting „Good, because we need you here."

My head turned to him and I saw a small smile on his face.
„You do, don't you? Especially you." I said and teasingly threw my arm around his neck, pulling him down to my height and messing up his hair.

He yelled at me to stop and I laughed. When I looked up I saw that we had arrived at the destination with the others already waiting for us. They all turned around when they heard us.

Kiri was the first one to start laughing too and I let Lo'ak go. Then my gaze shifted to Neteyam, who was smiling and shaking his head at us.

I walked over to him, where he sat on a big rock placed inside the water and sat next to him.

„Hey." I greeted him quietly as I watched him sharpen his spear.
He looked me in the eyes and replied „Hey. Don't you have to train?" with a confused expression.

Offended I scoffed and got down from the rock „What is it with you guys. If you want me to leave, just say so." I shook my head and went to walk away.

„No, no, no I don't mean it like that." he grabbed my arm and pulled me back to face him before I could get too far. His strong grip giving me butterflies.

„I mean, because usually you'd be out training. Don't leave." he laughed and shook his head, making me crack a smile as well. I assumed that he wouldn't mean it in that way but hearing him say it out loud felt good.

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