5.0 Missions

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(Back to Vawayani's pov)

I was on my way to look for Kiri when I saw Jake Sully walking towards me in a rush, looking around  frantically.
Thats when I heard our breach alarm.
A loud whistle to signal a sign of intruders or most likely, sky people.

„Quick, get your mother and get ready. The time has come." he told me before walking to the others.

I turned around and ran to our tent.
Since the first time we had noticed the sky people return, Toruk Makto gathered all the warriors and those in training to figure out an attack plan.
We had been practicing our attacks, to get the quickest and most sufficient results.

Because I was technically still a warrior in training based of my age, I expected to be used as a watcher. So I would only watch our for intruders and not interfere. But to my surprise Toruk Makto gave me a higher position.

I was allowed to actively shoot and fight against the enemy. Once we has heard that my mother barely contained herself from joy and pride. I think that was one of the only times she has actually said to me, how proud she was and how grateful I should be.

So when I arrived to our tent I grabbed my weapons and stuck my two knifes onto the side of my thighs just in case. My mother had already noticed what was happening and she was ready as well.

We both called our ikrans, my mothers was almost the opposite of mine.
While Eka was very big, my mothers ikran was smaller. But that allowed her to fly quicker and get through smaller spaces.

„Daughter, make me proud today." mother called out to me once she made her bond.

„Yes mother." I simply replied, getting on Eka and making our bond. We flew off and followed the others, to the target.

It was a train, that was passing through followed by two helicopters. Toruk Makto ordered the ground team to start.
Txei, one of our best warriors, shot the trainrail, making it stop and flip over which caused a big explosion.

I heard gunshots and turned around to see a helicopter being shot by Toruk Makto. Soon one of the wings failed, sending the whole helicopter to the ground.

I flew above the explosions, I could feel Eka getting excited by all the adrenaline.

Neytiri handled the second helicopter, shooting the sky people inside. Once I made clear no other sky people were in the air I got down to the ground.
A shadow appeared above my head and I looked up to see Neteyams Ikran fly above us. Lo'ak was right next to him and they were talking.

Watching them I noticed Lo'ak getting down to where the others were gathering the sky people made weapons. They were not allowed to do that, their position was to watch from afar. I knew because Lo'ak had complained to me about it multiple times, he thought they should also be able to engage with the enemy.

I was about to tell them off when I heard another helicopter approaching us from afar, my ear flickered into the direction.
Quickly I called Toruk Makto „There's another helicopter."

Just as the words left my mouth it rounded the corner. Instinctively I took an arrow and aimed it at the sky person inside.
Making the shot, my arrow flew straight through the glass and into the heart of the sky person.
It killed him immediately leaving the helicopter out of control. It started spinning around, falling from the great height.

I turned my head and looked for one of the Sully boys. I could only see Lo'ak trying to find his way back. At that moment the helicopter crashed to the floor, sending a big explosion towards us.

I flew over to Lo' ak and landed in front of him. He was laying on the floor, shaken and confused. I grabbed him and pulled him onto Eka.

Jake Sully was looking for them when we made eye contact „Get out of here, I'll find Neteyam." he yelled urging us to leave.

I nodded and we flew up, Lo'ak holding my waist to keep him from falling. Once in the air I saw a lot of the others also leave.
„You okay?" I asked Lo'ak who didn't seem to have any injuries from what I could tell.
He only nodded wordlessly.

When we got into our hiding in the hallelujah mountains. I separate the bond with Eka petting her "Good girl." I whispered and got off of her.

Lo'ak was already back on the ground when I turned around and grabbed his arm „Lo'ak you have to be careful, you never know when the sky people send another helicopter."
He had grown to be like a little brother to me, so I cared for him.

„I know, don't lecture me. I'm about to get enough of that." he looked to his right where we saw Jake land with Neteyam who was injured but conscious. They both looked into our direction.
Neteyam and I made eye contact with him nodding reassuringly when I asked him if he was okay. Lo'ak removed my hand from his arm and walked over to them.

I didn't want to intrude, it seemed like a family situation. So I decided to go home and rest. 
When I turned around I saw all the different warriors be with their families and getting their wounds treated. I thankfully never got any big injuries from these missions.

„Hey little one. I heard you shot one of the helicopters today mother must be proud." Ratxaw came up behind me, putting his arm over my shoulder as he gave me a proud smile.

„I actually haven't seen her since. She's probably returned home already." I replied, starting to feel more tired with every step I took. These missions can have a very tiring effect on you, mixed with the build up on adrenaline and all the action you can't tell how your body reacts until later.

Ratxaw was about to speak up again when a hand pulled my left arm. It was father.
„Quick, your mother is injured."

A gasp left my lips as we followed him to one of our healing tents, where my mother was lying unconscious. The sight made me tear up.

„Mother.." I muttered as we dropping down to her level.
„What happened." Ratxaw asked, his face full of worry.

Taiuu'in, one of the younger healers looked at him and replied softly „I think she was hit by the explosion. She was bleeding from her side but we managed to stop it. Still she lost a lot of blood."

„Is there nothing else we can do?" Father asked, not taking his eyes off of mother.

„We have told Tsahìk, she should come soon." the healer answered, her face showed how sorry she was to only be able to deliver us these bad news.

„Go, go pray to Eywa that your mother gets better." Father ordered, urging us to stand up and leave.

I stood up and was about to follow Ratxaw who was already walking away when my vision blurred and I lost my balance.

Falling to the floor with a thud.

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