20.0 Presents

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When I woke up the sun was still up and I went outside to get some fresh air. My feet touched the cold water, giving me goosebumps. It looked like the sun was about to set, the sky filled with many different colors. I took a deep breath and enjoyed the scenery before me.

„Vawayani!" my peaceful moment was disturbed by Tuk's voice. I turned my head and saw that they were all sitting together on a rock, further away from everyone.

I walked over to them, making eye contact with Neteyam first. I watched his eyes rank my physique, from my hair to the red paint that was still on me.

„No way, you won?" Aonung who was leaning against a tree stated surprised while I sat down between Lo'ak and Neteyam.

„What did you win?" Lo'ak asked confused.

Tsireya, who was sitting next to Lo'ak informed them „Today was our anual warrior fight. It's when all the warrior women gather and have a big fight. Vawayani won."

„That's so cool." Tuk said admiringly and I smiled at her. There were some compliments being thrown around. Even Aonung gave me a nod along with an impressed smile.

The conversation changed when one boy, I didn't know his name, started to talk about the same feast just for the men.

I was listening to the conversation when a whisper from my left caught me off guard „Seems you're the coolest one here now."

I grinned and leaned over to Neteyam, whispering back „I've always been that."
When I turned my head, he was looking at me already. He also had a grin on his face and we locked eyes for a few seconds.

I turned my head back when I heard that they were talking about Tulkun.

„I wish I'd been there, the ocean blessed you with a gift brother." Kiri said to Lo'ak.
„You saw a Tulkun?" I asked him, turning my head to him.
He looked at me and only nodded.

„The Tulkuns have not returned yet and anyway no Tulkun is ever alone." Aonung informed the group, leaning forward, making eye contact with me after he finished.

„This one was." Lo'ak replied, I turned to look at Neteyam who was scratching his head.
„He had a missing fin. Like a stump on the left side." now his attention was turned to Tsireya who reacted with a distressed face.

„Payakan. It's Payakan." she realized, her voice filled with worry. The three looked at each other, sharing a knowing look. While we were just left to guess who that was.

„Who's Payakan?"Kiri asked

„A young bull who went rogue. He's outcast, alone. And has a missing fin." the other boy told us.

Tsireya turned back to Lo'ak „They say he is a killer."
I couldn't believe Lo'ak was all alone with him, he could've been killed.

Lo'ak didn't believe them and denied it but Aonung quickly added „They say he is a killer. He killed Na'vi and other Tulkuns. Not here, but far to the south."

Lo'ak continued to deny it and I could only look at him. How did this boy always manage to get himself in these situations?

„Lo'ak, you're lucky to be alive." Tsireya said, looking him in the eyes.

„I'm telling you, he saved my life. He's my friend" Lo'ak defended the Tulkun.

I sighed silently keeping my eyes to the ground. Then I heard Neteyam stand up „My baby bro, the mighty warrior who faced a killer Tulkun and lived to tell about it." he teased and grabbed Lo'aks shoulders from behind. But Lo'ak pushed him away annoyed „You guys aren't listening." and we watched him stormed away angrily.

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