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After sending him home I couldn't help but worry about how he was doing. From the outside he looked fine, but who knew, maybe he had a internal bruise?

Maybe I hit him with the bow too hard?

Pacing around in my hut, I tried figuring out if I should go over to the Sullys or not. Maybe I was making a big thing out of nothing. Or maybe me not going over was a bad thing, what if he's in pain right this moment?

„What are you doing?"
A loud scream came out as I was startled by a voice.

I was so deep in thought that I hadn't heard Kiri come in.
„Oh Kiri, it's you." Relieved I placed a hand on top of my pounding heart.

The look she was giving me was full of confusion along with a sceptic glance.

Realizing that was very out of character for me because I usually noticed everything, I faked a smile. Nervousness built up in my throat, threatening to come up, but I swallowed it and answered in a calm voice „Sorry, I have some water in my ears. That's why I didn't hear you."

Slowly nodding she analyzed me from head to toe but then she turned her head around, to look outside my hut.

Just from that small movement I could tell something was wrong.

„Ah yes, because that's so common. Anyway I came to ask if you've seen the guys? We can't find Tuk, I thought maybe she was with them." she walked closer and only then I recognized the concern written in her face.

All my nervousness was washed away in an instant You can't find Tuk? Have you checked your hut?"

„That's where I'm just coming from. If you don't know where the boys are- oh no do you think she got lost?" her lips tight and hand set on her head, I could tell she was starting to panic.

Approaching her, I touched her arms gently „Hey we'll find her, don't worry. Come."

After grabbing my bow and some arrows I led her outside my hut and we walked towards the village as million thoughts raced through my brain.

Where could she be? Could she be in trouble? Why was she alone in the first place? Where is Neteyam?

Internally I was panicking myself. But I couldn't let Kiri see that, she seemed to get more stressed with every step.

We had walked through the whole village and there was still no trace of Tuk. We even asked some people if they maybe saw her pass by, but no luck.

I started getting angry at Neteyam, if he had listened to me and gone to their hut, maybe this wouldn't have happened.

Why didn't he listen to me?

„This is all my fault, I shouldn't have left them alone." Kiri spoke in a shaky voice. I turned to her and found her with her left arm on her eyebrows as a tear fell down her face.

„Hey, look at me." I grabbed her shoulders and waited until her eyes met mine „This is not your fault, okay. And she will be fine, we'll find her. I promise."

Her vulnerable eyes met mine and she sniffed, wiping her tears away „You're right there is no use, crying right now."

Smiling gently I replied „Exactly." and when I turned back around, my eyes met the chaos that was the ocean today. Waves were crashing into one another with force as the wind blew over them.

„Kiri, did you check the ocean yet?"

My heart dropped as soon as I heard her answer.

„No." she replied simply before seeing what I was seeing and gasping. If Tuk was in the water, she would really be in trouble.

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