32.0 Missed opprotunities

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After almost breaking my skull with my thoughts, I decided to ask Tsireya. Me and Kiri made our way back and luckily spotted her on the way.

„Here. Do you know whose it is?" I handed her the bracelet the second we entered my hut.

Kiri had sat down on the ground but I was too curious to do that. So much that I felt my tail swing from left to right, unconsciously.

I watched Tsireyas blue eyes scan the neatly made wristlet while she held it. It seemed that she figured out who it belonged to, because she suddenly burst into a big smile.

„This is Aonungs." she chuckled and looked back up at me.

The wheels in my head started turning. I tried to remember the picture of yesterday. The way he was stood there, watching us. I glanced at Kiri, who was watching me already.

Tsireya was oblivious so she saw the whole thing lightly.
„Where did you find this?"

Taken aback I turned back to her and answered stammering „Oh it was just in the water. I saw it last night."

She nodded shortly before smiling „Oh, maybe he lost it. I wonder who its for?" she laughed glanced at us.
Me too

My eyes found themselves wandering around my home disdainfully while I tried to piece everything together. Could it be possible that the bracelet was meant for me? No. No way.
I hope not.

Not wanting to jump to conclusions I snapped out of it. Shaking my head and I took the bracelet back.

„I'll give it back to him, maybe he's already looking for it." I gave her a short smile which she returned.

„Yes, maybe he wanted to give it to someone special if you know what I mean." Tsireya giggled and looked at both of us.

Glancing down at Kiri again she was smiling at Tsireya but I could see that she was also bothered by her thoughts.

„Well, I have to go home. My mother is expecting me. See you." she gave us both a sweet smile before turning around and exiting my hut.

A huff left my lips almost immediately and I sat down next to Kiri. Closing my eyes, I tried to sort out my thoughts.

„Do you think-„ she spoke up in a quiet voice but I interrupted her.

„I don't know. I think I will have to talk to him." My head turned into her direction as our eyes met.

She silently nodded, agreeing with me. We both sat on the ground in silence as I hoped the his present wasn't for me.

I watched Kiri open her mouth but instead of her voice, sounded another.

„You know, I was thinking we could go to the forest and-„
Neteyams walked inside, voice trailing off upon seeing his sister inside with me.

Both me and Kiri turned to him. My eyed widened with surprise of his visit. His facial expression matched mine, as his eyes glanced from me to her.

Kiri seemed to have pushed her thoughts about our little problem aside. With an amused tone she spoke „Oh, hello brother. What are you doing here? Is there something you'd like to tell me?"

Instead of answering, his startled eyes looked at me, as if he was asking me the same question. His lost expression was actually quite amusing. Seeing as I told Kiri a lot about what happened between us, I could only start chuckling while hiding my face in my hands.

Letting out a quick sigh I dropped them back down and started making my way out of my hut. I had enough weird conversations today and I also wanted to find Aonung.

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