24.0 Reunited

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Ronal had been inside the hut for over half an hour and I was getting nervous. Looking back I observed what she was doing. If that wouldn't help, what other solution would there be?

Lo'ak and Neteyam would peek inside every once in a while and update me if there were news. I layed my forehead on my knee, closing my eyes when I suddenly heard Tuk yell „Kiri!"

Whipping my head back, I saw Kiris eyes open and everyone rush to her side. I didn't even bother to think I was intruding and ran inside as well, crouching down next to her.

She opened her eyes ans as soon as she saw us and got her senses back, she started crying. Neytiri caressed her daughter, holding one hand and comforting her „Kiri, my sweet child."

I took her other hand in mine and squeezed it supportively. She was still crying and I hushed softly, petting her head. I wasn't sure why she was crying but I tried calming her down.

Realizing that the whole Sully family was gathered around her, I felt that I was disturbing a very intimate family moment.

So I grabbed Tuks hand from next to me and made her hold Kiri „Try to calm her down." and started standing up from my crouched position.

When suddenly two hands grabbed my left hand.
It was Neytiri and Kiri.

Kiri, who was sill wound up but had calmed down her crying, lowly said „Stay, Yani."
Shocked I looked at Neytiri, who smiled at me softly „You are like family, stay. She needs you."

I nodded obediently and sat back down and continued holding her, until she calmed down fully. When I looked up my eyes met Neteyams who was sitting down the opposite of me. Both of our looks could be translated into the same emotion, relief.

Shortly after Neytiri told her daughter to get some rest and I made my way to my hut. When I was finally on my own, I started to physically feel the whole day. My body felt heavy as my mind became foggy and tired and I decided to get some sleep.

                        ≿————- ❈ ————-≾

The next morning I woke up early and ate something little to gather some strength. Tiredly rubbing my eyes I thought about going back to sleep. The second my eyes shut last night I fell deep into a slumber. But I woke up in the middle of the night, because I dreamt about yesterday.

The panic that I felt was still haunting me, I couldn't imagine how Kiri must be feeling. I kept wondering what happened when she connected to the spirit tree.

Not sure if she was awake yet, I decided to walk to the ocean and wake myself up. Thankfully there was no one else around yet, I was not in the mood to talk to anyone.

When some time passed I decided to go to their hut. I needed to make sure she was doing okay.

I walked inside and saw Tuk and Kiri, both sitting on the floor and eating. As soon as Tuk saw me she ran up to me „Vawayani!" hugging my hip. I hugged her back with one arm, smiling at her.

„Hey." I said when Tuk let me go and walked outside, towards the ocean leaving me to walk up to Kiri carefully. I sat down next to her and put my arm right around her shoulder.

She layed her head on my shoulder „Hey."

„Are you feeling better?" I asked, pulling away to take a good look at her. Her face looked more tired than usual, but thankfully she didn't seem to have any fatal physical injuries.

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