6.0 The Wounded

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„What happened?"

„Is she hurt?"

„How did this happen?"

I heard faint sounds buzzing in my ear, the voices who were talking, kept changing.
Before I could decipher what they are saying a heavy pounding in my head struck me.

Groaning in pain, I put my hand on my forehead and opened my eyes.

Two big eyes that I recognized in a heartbeat were staring at me from the side.

It was only then I noticed that I was laying on the floor.

The last memory of me falling to the floor returned, explaining the massive headache I was suffering now.

„Yani, you're awake!" Kiris voice sounded in my ears and multiple other eyes were suddenly caught in my vision. The golden once who belonged to Neteyam I noticed as a second.
I attempted sitting up, with Neteyams warm hand helping me.

At once the memory of my mother came back.
„Wheres my mother?" I asked Kiri, looking around the room.

„She's awake, she's okay." Kiri reassured me, holding my hand.

„You scared me skxawng. I thought you died or something." Ratxaw sat down next to Kiri and chuckled.
„Yeah you looked totally dead. On the floor like this." Lo'ak mimicked your passed out form as he kneeled down besides Neteyam.

I chuckled but Neteyam pushed him, making him fall on the floor.

„What happened, have you not been eating enough?" Neteyam asked.
His worried tone almost made me smile but I suppressed it.

I only shrugged, I didn't know the cause. Until that moment I believed I was okay.
„That's normal after a mission. Especially with the adrenaline you produce, your body goes into a low." Jake's voice sounded and he stood besides Neteyam.
„Are you feeling better?" he asked looking me in the eyes.

I've known Jake for a very long time, but to me he was still Toruk Makto and coming from my family I had a lot of respect for him. So everytime he would talk to me I couldn't help but get almost starstruck.

I nodded „Yes I'm okay, thank you."
With that I tried to stand up „Hey what do you think you're doing, you need rest." Neteyam told me as he held me down by my shoulder.
I saw my brother from the corner of my eye look at him.

So I took his hand of my shoulder and held it „I have to see my mother." this time he let me go and me and Ratxaw made our way to the other tent.
When we arrived I saw mother laying on the floor and father beside her.

She heard us coming and smiled „My children. Vawayani, I heard you were hurt? What happened?"

I kneeled down beside her „I'm okay mother, how are you?" her face looked tired but she was smiling.
„There's no need to worry about me. I just need a little rest and I will be as good as new." she put her hand on my cheek and I held it with mine.

We barely had moments like these, so when we did Father and Ratxaw wouldn't dare interrupt them.

„Now go, you do not need to sit beside me. I have your father for that." she smiled at him and grabbed his hand.
„You two almost made my heart stop today. I hope you know that." Father said dramatically, making us all giggle.

„Come on let's get you some food. Father made his special brew just for you." Ratxaw said, and we both walked home.

After eating I headed out again to find the Sullys. When I got there, only Neteyam was there.
Not that I would mind in the least.

„Hey where's everyone?" I wondered, looking around their home.
He was sitting on the floor and I noticed how badly he was hurt. He had bruises forming on his body.

„Oh my. Why did you have to get down there." I sat down next to him, inspecting his body and touching his arm. „Does it hurt?"

He made a face of discomfort only after I mentioned it.
„Yes actually, maybe you could kiss it better?"

I was left speechless at this new confidence. Forgetting he was injured I pushed him and he yelped „Stupid, and to think I was concerned."

„Were you really?" he looked at me and we just stared at each other.
I gazes at him and leaned in closer, watching him hesitate first but then do the same. His tail flicking around and touching my back.
„No. I lied." I whispered and now it was his turn to push me away as I laughed. He poked his tongue against his cheek and looked down.

I pushed away two hanging pieces from his braids away from his face and said.
„Well if my mighty warrior is fine. I'll be leaving"

When I stood up was only when I realized what I had actually said.
I could only hope that he didn't notice.

„You know what you just said, right?"
I stayed silent and started walking.
„My warrior?" he asked in a teasing voice that made my heart beat faster.

„Shut up." my voice came out quietly and I escaped quicker than ever.

Why did you say that, stupid
This day has just been entirely too much for me. And as though that wasn't enough a voice calling out my name, cut off my train of thought.

„Vawayani!" I turned around to see Teyney walking towards me. He was the last person I expected to see today.

„Oel ngati kameie" he greeted me and I returned it politely.

„I heard you were injured today, how are you feeling?" He wondered.

„I'm okay, I feel stronger already." I replied smiling lightly.

He only nodded and we stood around, saying nothing.
„Well I have to get to bed maybe-„ I started finding an excuse to leave.
„Do you want to train again tomorrow, together?" his voice chimed in. He looked at me with a hopefulness face.

I wonder if his parents are putting him under just as much pressure as mother is...

Honestly, I didn't want to train with him. But I couldn't find a decent excuse to turn him down.

„Yes, why not." I answered and wished him a good night.

Why did I say yes?
Internally scolding myself, I headed back home.

At home I went straight to sleep, only me and my brother were here. I had guessed my father was with my mother. Oh she would jump into the air if she found out I'm training with Teyney again.

What will Neteyam think?
I mean we're just friends so it shouldn't bother him.

I just hope we won't get attacked again.

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