23.0 Adventures in danger

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The next day I was sitting on the sand, watching Tuk as she showed me a new trick she learned with her Ilu.
She told me she could throw some fish into the air and the Ilu would catch it.

„Wow, Tuk this is so good." I clapped and praised her when she showed me the trick. She was probably my favorite Sully, just never causing any problems.

„That really is very good." Another voice added and I turned around to see Tsireya, Kiri, Lo'ak and Neteyam walking up to us.

Making eye contact with Neteyam first, a smile automatically made its way on my face and I couldn't stop it from growing. After our conversation he went back to his hut and I didn't know how to feel or what to think. Although my mind was in such a scatter, I couldn't deny the joy I felt, just from seeing him.

Forcing my mind to concentrate on the now, I turned back to Tuk and she performed the trick one more time for all of us.

But my focus was quickly sidetracked again when I felt Neteyams arm press against mine as he sat down next to me. Making my breath hitch slightly I turned my head to the right side and saw him watch his little sister, not thinking anything of it.

When Tuk was finished she came back to the shore and sat down in front of me. I noticed her looking at me when I turned my head.

„I like your necklace. It's pretty, like you." she complimented, taking a closer look.

From the side I saw Neteyam turn his head into our direction „Thank you, little one." I petted her head lovingly.

„Was it a gift?" she asked innocently, causing me to begin feeling panic at the thought of having to lie to them.

With widened eyes, I touched it nervously and saw Neteyam looking at me. But I didn't dare to turn my head into his direction.

„No, she made it herself." Kiri informed her little sister.

„You did?" Tuk asked admiring.

„You did?" Neteyam also asked, but his tone sounded amused as his question was meant sarcastically. He and I both knew where I got the necklace from.

Now all eyes were on me and I felt my face heat up. Most of them were curious, but Lo'ak looked confused almost. He alternated his gaze from me to his brother.

„Mhm." I confirmed and looked at Tuk, unable to lie properly at the moment.

„Oh, could you teach me?" Tuk asked, getting excited and smiling brightly.

„Yeah, teach it to me too. Vawayani." Neteyam provoked once more.

Exhaling deeply and finally turning to him I said „I think you're big enough to figure it our on your own. Neteyam."
He returned the eye contact, not breaking it and watching me with an amused face.

Being the first to break the eye contact I turned back to her „And Tuk, I think Tsireya could teach you much better. She made this one." I advised her and showed her my arm where I wore Tsireyas bracelet.

„Speaking of teaching, I want to show you guys something." Tsireya spoke up excitedly.

Everyone got up to follow her and I used the opportunity to turn to Neteyam, smacking his arm „You're an idiot."

But he didn't even react to the slap, only staring me in the eyes with a grin „You know, getting a present isn't a crime." he leaned closer to me.

I scoffed and stood up „Oh right, and should I just tell them what we did that night I got the present too?" I asked in a hushed voice, afraid someone would hear us.

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