30.0 Building pressure

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The next day arrived faster than expected and I was trying to motivate myself to eat some fruit I had picked out. But my stomach couldn't work up an appetite at all. With aching pain in my legs from yesterday and a headache forming, eating was the last thing on my mind.

My mind was filled with thoughts regarding my family, I had thought about them many times since I've left, obviously. But today was different, I couldn't stop my thoughts from wondering how Ratxwa was doing, if it was hard to be alone with Mother? Or if they had managed to calm her down, made her realize, that she was in the wrong.

My eyes found themselves wandering along the moving silhouette of the ocean. And every time, my gaze moved to the far end of the ocean, at least the part that was visible, I thought of home. I felt a strange pressure build inside my chest, everytime it happened.

Although, endless questions always came with that: How would my parents react if I came home? Would they be happy to see me? Would my mother be happy?

I hadn't noticed the single tear that slipped from my eye and rolled down to the ground. After her, I felt a second one run down my cheek. And then I lost count of how many there were. The pressure now pinning down my heart, pressing the tears out of me.

Because it was that moment when I realized, I missed my home. I missed my brother and my father. And I couldn't help but miss my mother as well. In spite of the fact that our last encounter was anything but peaceful, my heart was thinking of her. Along with this heavy feeling of guilt, nibbling at it.

It was unusual for me to get so emotional. Lifting my heavy arm, I wiped the tears away from my face slowly, trying to calm myself down.

An exhausted sigh made its way past my lips as I wrapped my arms around myself. I watched the sun rise high into the sky, heating up the island. Observing the casual phenomenon, I found myself growing calmer. Nature always had a strange way of comforting me.

„Okay that's enough." I mumbled to myself and stood up slowly, wiping my face dry with my hands once more before making my way into the water. Usually if I was upset, I'd do something with Eka. But I thought if there was already this much water near me, might as well cool down with this method.

Stepping in, my heated body met the coldness of the sea and sent shocks through my body. Ignoring the gasp I automatically let out, I dove down quickly and swam deep into the ocean.

I watched all the fish around me, reaching my hand out to them. A light smile made its way onto my face when one bright yellow fish, swam past me, gently brushing against my hand.

The pressure of the water had calmed me down completely, and cleared my head of any other thoughts that were swirling through my head just minutes ago.

After a few minutes of swimming around I had to come up for air. I decided I needed a full break and stepped out of the ocean completely. My body missing the lightness of it the moment I got out.

While breathing heavily I walked to a big rock near the shore and climbed on top of it. The bright sun up high, blinding me as I put my hand up to shield my eyes.

The only thing you could hear was the water crashing against the shore and a few voices faintly calling out to each other from far away. I took joy in moments like these.

Much to my disappointment,the peace was disturbed before it even started.

Footsteps walked across the sand towards me, startling me. When I turned my head, I saw a person I was not expected to see at all.

„Hey." Aonung greeted quietly, coming to stand beside the rock. Instinctively I reached for a knife, only to realize that I hadn't taken any with me.

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