Some Weeks Later

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The day had come, Y/n's  friends, family (her dad) and some of the towns people had met up at the train station to wish her a safe trip. Everyone said their goodbyes and left a bit after, the only one's left was her father and her two best friends.

-"Adios mijita, write soon" she kissed her father's cheek and gave him one last hug before walking to her friends.

-POV Change-


-"I'm really going to miss you guys" I gave Joaquin a hug.

-"We'll be here, waiting," he replied.

-"For as long as it takes" Manolo finished as I walked to him and gave him a hug.

-"Don't ever stop playing, okay?" he nodded.

-"And you, don't ever stop fighting for what is right," Joaquin nodded.

-"I got you a present" Manolo handed me a box.

-"I got you one too" I handed it to him.

I opened the present he had given me, a little pig was inside playing around on his back.

-"I named him Chuy, he'll look after you"

-"Oh! I remember you" I petted the little piggy's head.

-"I needed a little part of the town, to go with you"

-"Thank you"

-"Seriously! No one told me about bringing gifts!" Joaquin complained.

-"There just small gestures, plus my gift is pay back for breaking his guitar" the whistle rang from the train letting me know it was time to leave.

-"I'm really going to miss you guys!" I hugged them both once more and ran to the train.

-"Y/n! Your bonnet!" my bonnet was taken by the wind as I ran to the train, Joaquin had gone after it.

I walked inside the train showing my ticket and found a seat near the back. I petted Chuy as the train's loud rumbling had startled him a bit.

-"Y/N!" my name was called, I looked out the window and saw Manolo running after the train with the guitar I had given him at hand.

-"When you come back, I will sing for you!!" Manolo yelled.

-"And I will fight for you!" Joaquin yelled.

They had stopped running and waved a 'goodbye' as the train had sped up more. I looked at Chuy and giggled at him, he was on his back with his little feet sticking up.

-"They're really good friends, I'm gonna miss them so much" I sighed and looked out the window.


I hope you liked the chapter!


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