To La Muerte

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Carmen introduced all of the family members to Manolo, who happily greeted them. He felt happy to be with his family, to be surrounded with so much love and happiness.

-"This, is La Muerte's castle" a tree-like castle surrounded by flowers and beautiful patterns and colors, was in front of them.

-"Come, she will help you find my new daughter-in-law" Carmen pulled Manolo forward and they walked to the castle doors. They walked inside, amazed by the wonderful inside's.


-"Now, this is a castle!"

-"We were always La Muerte's favorites!"

-"You know how bullfighter's flirt with death, huh?"

-"And that's why there are so many of you down here" Carmen teased with a smirk on her face, while Manolo chuckled.

-"La Muerte's throwing a big Day of the Dead fiesta for everyone!" Carmen explained as they finally reached the table.

-"Ask her, mijo" she pushed her son forward.

-"My lady, could you help me find Y/n Posada?"

-"No one here can help you, bullfighter" everyone gasped in surprise as the chair turned and it was Zibalba seated, not La Muerte.

-"The Land of the Remembered has a new ruler!" he chuckled.

-"What!" everyone gasped in surprise and Carmelo spit out his drink.

-"Who, you ask?"

-"Little old me" he chukled. 

-"You again?" Manolo looked at him suspiciously.

-"But La Muerte would never hand her domain over to you" Luis stated as he took off his hat.

-"She lost a bet," Xibalba replied blandly.

-"Ah, she would do that" Luis agreed, nodding.

-"This land is finally MINE! All thanks to you, Manolo!"


-"La Muerte, bet that Y/n would marry you, I bet that Joaquin would marry her"

-"And since your not around anymore, Y/n's gonna marry Joaquin, just to, you know, protect her beloved town"

-"So I win!"

-"No, but Y/n passed away...I-I saw her...Oh no!"

-"Oh, Yes!" Xibalba laughed with a big sly smirk plastered on his face.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter!


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