With Y/n Gone

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It would be years before they saw Y/n again. But time would be the thing they needed to fulfill their promises. Joaquin would have to train and learn to fight for Y/n and Manolo would have to practice his singing and guitar skills to play for her.

Although for Manolo it would be much harder, due to his father taking him to the arena to practice bullfighting. Joaquin had time to practice everyday as he had joined Y/n's father's (General Posada) army.

Both boys had been split apart to practice, they barely had time to meet and play as both father's had dragged them off to practice and learn.

-On Joaquin's Side-

-"One, two, three! One, two, three!" General Posada yelled as his army and Joaquin did push-ups.

-"Again! One, two, three! One, two, three!" some faster than others.

-On Manolo's Side-

-"Legs apart! Back straight! Hold the cloth at an angle!" his dad moved his position helping Manolo practice for bullfighting.

-"Okay, now do it again!"

-On Joaquin's Side-

-"Now Go!" Jaquin was put against all the soldiers in the army. He beat each one quickly, leaving one running for the hills.

-On Manolo's Side-

-"Manolo come on...What are you doing!" Manolo's father had caught him once again with the guitar. Taking it away he dragged him off to practice.

-On Joaquin's Side-

-"One, two, three! One, two, three!" the army was marching in a straight line.

-"Hey Manny!" Joaquin waved at Manolo.

-"Come on!" General Posada pushed him towards the crew.

-Years Later-

Years had gone by quickly for the boys as they had always been practicing. Which in Manolo's case meant in front of his father during the day, and with a band of Mariachis at night, practicing his guitar.

And for Joaquin, going from town to town saving people from bandits and other terrible things. He had become what he had promised, a person who fought to protect others.

Manolo had become a bullfighter as his father had trained him to be and secretly wrote music and practiced songs. Keeping his promise to play for Y/n one day.


I hope you guys liked the chapter!


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