Chapter 25

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You felt like you were starting to develop a split personality. On one hand, there was the part of you which writhed and ached for more and more intimate relations with the boys, your head constantly wandering off and ending up in the gutter, fantasising about what might happen next and with whom. You didn't feel ashamed about this anymore, but as it was still relatively new to you, the unfamiliarity of it made you feel slightly awkward. On the other hand, there was this calling, a gut feeling that repeated itself over again and again. You were not human. You were like them. But wherever it may be that was like them, you weren't sure about. Whenever you were not daydreaming of laying in Changbin's arms, kissing Han's soft lips or cuddling with Jeongin, your mind would try to recall the dream that you had had. But it hadn't been a dream. If only you could grasp it...

'You alright?' Adam asked as the two of you walked through the corridor of the school towards the cafe to get lunch.

'Yeah, why?' you said quickly, pulling your face into a smile.

'You've been quiet lately,' Adam remarked. 'Everything's going alright?'

You smiled at him reassuringly.

'Yeah, it's just that my mind feels like it's been kinda overloaded lately. I guess I just really need a vacation,' you sighed. It wasn't a lie. You really did feel like getting away for a bit would be nice and might help you clear your mind or even get some answers. Either way would be good with you.

'Ugh, tell me about it,' Adam sulked. 'I can't wait till exams are over and the break starts. I know it's only like a week, but I need it so bad.'

'Do you have any plans for your break?' you asked, interested.

'I do, actually,' Adam replied, pulling an even grimmer face. 'My parents have asked if my sister and I could fly over to visit them. Honestly, I'd rather lock myself in my room for the entirety of the break, but I couldn't turn them down,' he spoke.

You clicked your tongue at his words.

'Yeah, and what's even more annoying is that by the time I get over my jetlag, it'll be time to come back again. And then I'll have to start the new semester with the new jetlag.' Adam pulled a face like he was biting into an especially sour lemon.

'Shit, man, that sucks,' you said empathetically.

'Thanks,' Adam sighed. 'But what about you? Will you be going anywhere for the break?'

'To be honest, I've never been on holiday,' you replied.

'Seriously? Not even here in Korea? Camping? Overnight hotel?' Adam asked in disbelief. But you shook your head at all his options. His incredulous face made you laugh.

'What about your parents? Won't you visit them?' Adam asked with a slight frown. You knew what he was thinking. You had purposely always avoided revealing too much about yourself. Never talking about your parents or anything. You weren't sure before if you were ready to tell him the truth, or at least the "safe" truth. But as you had gotten to know him better, you decided Adam was a good friend, and he deserved to know.

'Actually,' you began as you sat down on one of the benches in the cafe that had a nice view of the awful weather outside, 'I don't have any parents.'

Adam blinked a few times as he sat down opposite you. You smiled calmly at him to let him know it was alright.

'So, you know I live together with some guys, right?' you said.

'Guys? More like supermodels,' Adam huffed incredulously like the world had been unfair to him.

You chuckled.

'Yes, well,' you said, taking a breath, 'They found me three years ago in the woods.'

You paused for a moment for Adam to take in your words, and with every second, the crease between his brows got deeper and deeper.

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