Intermission: End of a Mouse

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Roget gasped for breath. Veins can be seen in his forehead, neck and clenched fist as he gnashed his teeth in frustration as pain wrecked his whole being.

Pain of what those trash did to him.

Both physically and emotionally.

Years of planning, of carefully taking control in that blasted dimension little by little, of making use of resource he had on hand, enduring ridicule and humiliation... his grand master plan... is gone. GONE! ALL BECAUSE THAT BASTARD JACK ATLAS, THAT COMMONER TRASH, AND BUNCH OF SNOOTY NOSED KID!

He'll make them pay.

It doesn't matter if he had to start from scratch. He will build up this base. This time he will make sure he will take control of every aspect! No more playing by rules. It will be his way or the highway!

And when he gain enough control,

He'll make them pay. He'll show them the consequences of going against him. He will grind that smug motherfucker under his heel and destroy that precious D-Wheel and card of his.

And then, for those brats, he gonna hurt them. Oh, he will make them hurt each other. Yes, that sounds better.

He, Jean-Michel Roget, will be the King. The Emperor. And he will grind any and all opposition to dust.

"Oh? Is that so? Quite the ambition you had." A voice mocked.

Roget looked up to find a kid was sitting on a chair, with his face propped on a hand. Common Brown hair and hazel eyes. What draw attention is the attire.

Academia Jacket.

Initially alarmed, Roget relaxed when he saw the color of the jacket.


That boy is Osiris. The lowest of low. 'Wonder' Student. The scraps. Trash.

"Of course. That's only natural." Roget sneers. "What can you do? Stop me."

"Of course!" The kid smiled. "It's only proper for a Hero to stop the big bad villain, right?"

"You're an Osiris Trash. What you can do?"

"Osiris Trash, hm?" There's something unsettling in that boy's smile. Something that, if Roget were any sane person with working self-preservance instinct, would recognize as dangerous. "What can I do? Well... for starter, why don't you take a look around?"

Roget did just that.

Chills went down his spine when he realize that he doesn't recognize the halls.

It was not academia halls. It was similar to Academia halls but was much darker and... sinister?

(no, something told him Academia castle is remodeled after these halls)

"Jean-Michel Roget. Former instructor of Academia and agent of Akaba Leo. From Fusion Dimension." The boy gets up from his chair (a part of Roget irritatingly realize the chair resemble throne quite a deal), "A Middle class agent, neither a grunt or officer or someone of great importance. Originally send to Synchro as reconnaissance, he decided to betray academia. Irked for his hard works went unrecognized, he set out to create your own empire. A little mouse with too too great ambition."

A shape is formed behind the boy. Humanoid but not. Not with pair of bat-like wings and the third eye on the middle of forehead. A Duel Monster.

"Alright! It's decided then!" The boy clapped his hands together. "Fancy me a duel?"

"Hmph." Despite his instinct told him that he should grovel, Roget ignores it and instead looking down on the boy. "You'll regret that, drop out."

"Is that so? Normally I don't do this but... How about we upped the ante? Tell me, Jean Michael Roget," The boy smiled with eyes closed, but when they open, They're now gold.

Staring directly at his soul, as if judging him and finding it wanting.

(For some reason, Roget feels like he was at the maw of death)

"What do you know of Shadow Games?"

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