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"they will be fine, Tran. plus i sent them to find the hunter." the King said.
Tran leaves the 1st floor and gos back to her room. Tran flops on the bed, and thinks, (what had happened to Milo? are they okay? have they disapeared? ) she sighs in curiosty and boredom once again. She goes out to the garden and reads the book Little Women, she was very confused on a part of the book, so she went to Ash, the poet. she seeked help since her book was frustrating.
As she was going to get a cab to the village once again, she trys to find Ash. Until she had saw the poet sitting on a bench writing next to the gates of the castle. Tran came up to him.
"Hello Ash ! I was wondering if you could possibly help me with this part of the book, tis' very frustrating." the princess asked.
"of course i can." he said.
he reads the part of the book for a good 10 seconds.
"Ah. Jo doesn't marry Laurie, instead Laurie marrys Friedrich."
"that wasn't expected." Tran said.
"Yes, books like these are very troubling and hard to understand, Princess." Ash said.
"Oh well-" Tran gets interuptted by a burst of lightning. The sky starts pouring.
"Oh!" she exclaimed.
"Lets go to Ryan's! tis' closest here!" he said.
they both ran to Ryan's. all of the other villagers run inside any close areas aswell.
"My My! Get in! Get in!" Kelsey exclaimed.
An hour later Kelsey makes both of them a cup of tea waiting for the rain to stop.
"Clothes are all wet now, hair is messy." Ash said.
Tran nods, looking at the window waiting. Minewhile, Ace..

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