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"I know that." Tran said.
"Do you know the girl well?" he said.
"Yes, i met her in the market.." she said not focused. " She was beautiful, intelligent, kind. "
The butler looked at her with a slight smile.
"Seems so you formed interest on a girl you just met." he said.
"If you saw her she was.. dazziling!" Tran said.
"All right then. I better be going now, i must feed the dogs." he says as he finishes folding the sheets.
Tran looks away in the window and noticing Lilian walking by the palace.
"Bruce! Thats her!" she exclaimed.
"She looks pretty, good wife for you." he said.
Tran looked at him in suprise.
"wife?" she said.
"So i don't have to get a husband?" she asked.
"Your choice from what i know." Bruce said.
She smiled and ran out of the palace. Bruce stared at her running.
After going everywhere to leave the castle, Tran finally catched up with her.
"Hello.." Tran says gasping for breath.
"Hello there Princess." she says with a smile.
"Tran is fine with you." Tran said.
"Are you sure? I wouldn't want to get refirmed, do i?" Lilian said.
"No." she said.
"Well i have to go, goodbye." Lilian said then gave Tran a kiss on the cheek and walked away.

silly gay tran and lilian 🐟

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