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"Tis' so messy?! A pigstiy!" Autumn exclaimed.
she shivers. it was very cold in room. she looks around. She looks around at all of the junk.
" And cold.." she said freezing. She layed Ace in the bedroom and open windows, and started cleaning. An hour or two gos by, the house is fully clean, head to toe. Ace starts fumbling and wakes up.
"Oh..What happened?.." Ace said as theu groaned.
"You went drunk..very." Autumn said as she was making pancakes with chocolate spreaded hot-cakes.
"Its clean.." they said as Ace looked all around the place. They sigh. Ace stands up. they yawn.
"Did you clean it?" they asked.
"Well yes, it was freezing and pretty messy..." she said.
"Oh, hotcakes." Ace said as they sat down at dining table.
" Fresh." she said.
After Ace eats Autumn leaves and Ace gos to the shop to work.
Meanwhile Ash and August..
Ash runs to the local restaurant where he meets August. He is was waiting for him at a table.
"hi Ash!" August says to Ash.
" hi august." he says has he smiles to him.
In Ash's mind..( Woah! He looks so good! A white button down shirt, with a black vest..)

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