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"I had to tell them. They wanted to know." Autumn said.
"Just don't tell everybody okay? The whole damn village already hates me I don't need another reason." he said.
"Why would they hate you?" she questioned.
"Because nobody trusts the witch!" Milo says sarcastically.
Kelsey sighs.
"Let me grab the mail." she says.
She walks next door where her house is and grabs the mail. She walks back while reading it.
"Guys! There is going to be a ball next week in the kings castle!" Kelsey exclaims.
"Give me that." Milo says as he snatches it from Kelsey. "Oh its true."
"You think your gonna be okay next week? To go?" Autumn says.
"Yes." he replied.
"I see the paperboy walking so it must be recent." River says.

meanwhile Tran..

Tran got ready for breakfast in the castle. She ran down the stairs and met their father downstairs.
"Good morning." he said.
"Greetings." Tran replied.
"I got news, im hosting a ball here." the king said.
"Really?!" Tran exclaimed. "I have a chance!"
"A chance? What do you mean?" he said in confusion.
"You'll see!" she said.
"Okay.. " the king said while cutting his steak.
After Tran finished their food, she ran out of the castle, searching for Lilian.

When she sees them, she was in Kelseys restaurant with one of her friends. Tran walked in.
"Hello Lilian." she greeted her and then kissed her hand.
"Hello." she said as she turned red.
"May i talk to you for a moment? Privately?" Tran requested.

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