21 ( val day pt 2 ! )

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Ash and August went to drink a cup of coffee, after they went to the field. August blind folded Ash as a suprise.
"Are you ready?" he says.
"Yes... What is this August???" Ash questions.
He unfolded the fabric and Ash opened his eyes and looked around.
"look up." August whispered.
He looked up and saw a navy blue sky, filled with millions of stars. he gasped in amazement.
"August.." he says with no eye contact towards him.
"do you like it?" August asked.
Ash turned around and jumped in his arms, kissing him.
"Yes." he says staring at him, with a smile.
"I should be able to treat you aswell. Not just me, my house, the 28th." Ash says.
"9:00?" August said.
"9:00." he says.
August lays down on the field of millions of flowers all over, and Ash joins him laying on his shoulder. They stayed there for two hours looking at the sky. Then August looked at Ash.
"How many men have you kissed?" he says.
"very few." Ash replied.
"but you offered me a kiss, why?" August asked.
"Such a foolish reason im afraid, i just want to kiss you." Ash says with a smile.

end of the valentines day chapters :)

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