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"whatever so." Tran says.
"you may."
"All of you done yet??!!" the king yells from the hallway.
they all get out of the room.
"you guys take that long to choose?" he says.
"yes Lucas. it does."
"go on." Lucas mumbles.
"Where to now?" Wylan asks.
"North." Alex says. "where the castle is to speak with the king."
"depends if we can, if not, we will we use.. force."  the king suggests.
"what did you pick?"
"i picked the sword." he replies, he had a long narrow sword strapped to his belt, it was his sword that was passed on from the "queen" to him once "she" disappeared. It was a wildarian sword his a sliver bottom.
"holy mother of jesus, is that?.."
"the wildarian sword from home." Wylan says then gasps slightly.
"legally, I own it. but emotionally, this isn't mine."
"it's my fathers, the other." Tran says.
"the sword been through his family for many long centuries." Lucas replies. "might be yours one day Tran. but we must wait for thee sword to finish its years with him."
"he hasn't finished his years, huh?" Alex says.
"perhaps we should be going now."
"wait, wheres Lilian?"
"i brought her with us for Trans emotional stability, shes in a inn at the moment." the king says.

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