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Lucas got a carriage to Milos tower.


Milo turned around.


"next export is in two months. so im gonna build you a mansion, and personal doctors for you."



"Milo, your a bloodsucker, im getting you this for safety of you. I actually care about people here."

"since what? the 1200s??"

"Milo i didn't exist back then."

"thank you though."

"your welcome, please request me if you need anything else."

"It should be done in a couple of weeks."



Lucas leaves the tower, Milo lets himself fall on to his bed. they turn and grab his blanket and throws it over their head and falls asleep.
Meanwhile Lucas as he starts to go down the stairs of the towers he sees Autumn going up.

"Duke Laske."


"What are you doing going up?"

"I'm taking care of my friend."

"I suppose you know."

"Yes, I do. And what are you doing?"

"I had a conversation with the man.. health and business wise."

"alright.. "

"Goodbye Autumn. "

she turned back at him as he skimmed down the stairs. She ignored him and went up.

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