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"Yes..well lets go on then!" Ace said.
Ava continued walking with Ace. As they got to the tower, Ace looked up on the top of the tower. There was a glass-stained roof on the tower. It was very overgrown. Ace couldn't see any type of construction that could elevate.
"Is their sone sort of stairs or ladder? Or do they use magic or something?" Ace said.
" check the back." Ava said.
Ace check the back, there was a ladder. Ava grabs a few knifes from her bag just in case. They enter in the tower it's filled with Wildarian crystals. there was shelves filled with potions and books.
Milo was at the crafting table making something.
"a little of herb, calcite.." Milo whispered.
"there they are!" Ace whispered.
"I can hear you, Ace." they said firmly.
they turned around, looking directly at them.
Ace shuttered. they froze.
"what do you want from me." they said.
"the king, sent us, to find you." Ava said.
" why would the king want to find me?" Milo said.
"He wants to talk to you. He needs help." they said.
"he's the damn king! doesn't he have royal servants?! I'm not his bloody servant." they yelled.
"we have to go. he wants you by dinner time." Ava said.
Milo sighs. they start grabbing a big bag from a coat holder.
"give me a minute to get my things." they said.

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