( info about characters! )

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Milo Amaris Gomez Montalvo
Race/ethnicity: El Salvadorian (Hispanic)
Sex and pronouns: he/they, trans gay man

Lucas Laske/King Lucas
Race/ethnicity: white, german
Sex/Pronouns: he/they, trans gay man

Ava Brockington
Race/ethnicity: white, Hungarian
Sex/Pronouns: they/them, questionable
(I'm so sorry Ava i didn't know your actual pronouns forgive me 😭😭)

Tran Laske/ Princess Tran (not actual last name but for the sake of the story)
Race/Ethnicity: asian, vietnamese
sex/pronouns: pansexual, she/they

Ace Samson
race/ethnicity: white, german
sex/pronouns: he/they, gender fluid

Autumn Bowens
Race/Ethnicity: white, polish
Pronouns/Sex: bisexual, she/they

more coming soon! also sorry i have been not posting :(

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