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one week later

Ace is getting ready to leave, for the funeral. they button on vest, and grabs their tie, not knowing how to tie it. Someone knocks on the door, it's Autumn. Ace opens the door.
"Hello Ace, can I come in before the funeral?" she asks.
"Yes, and could you help me tie this?" Ace says.
"Yeah. Come here. " she says.
Autumn grabs the tie and ties it around their neck.
"Done, do you have your things before we go?" Autumn says.
"Yes, let's go." Ace says.

at the church

"Ace Samson, you may come up." the pastor says.
Ace was shaking, getting up from their seat, with Milo next to them. he taps their shoulder.
"You okay?" they asked.
"Yeah. Thank you.." Ace says with a smile.
Ace walks towards the coffin, looking at Ava. they place their hand on Ava, remembering the woods, tears start to swell in their eyes. they walk away. They start shaking again, they sit back in their seat with crying and Milos hand rubbing their back with a worried face.

after the funeral

Ace walks up to Milo,
"Milo?" they said.
"Yeah?" he says back.
"Can you come to the forest with me? I have to do something, and you know the woods really well so.. just this once?" they ask.
"of course." Milo replies.

in the woods

"Come on, we're almost there." Ace says.
They stop at a tree and Ace sits down near the tree, pulls out a stone knife and carves,

A. B.

on a willow tree, covered in moss. Milo reads it then closes their eyes, then when he blinks open, his eyes turn pitch black for 1 second, then they close them again, and open them open again, and their normal dark brown eyes come back.

Ace places the knife on the tree, the one Ava was looking for when she died since the patrols found it.

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