Chapter 56

542 14 8


Saturday February 1, 2018

My eyes sprang open in the darkness of the early morning. I barely had time to think. In mere moments I was tripping over Blake's sleeping body and catching myself on all fours, I stood and sprinted to the bathroom. The second I lifted the toilet seat I started vomiting out my guts. Blake was at my side almost instantly holding my hair back but I knew it already had contents of my vomit all over the ends. The tips probably even went in the toilet. He didn't seem to mine and I did not have the time to even care about it. My stomach must have decided not to bother even trying to digest anything. It was mainly fluids since I barely ate yesterday.

After my stomach emptied itself of my drinks and whatever acid was inside. I was left heaving. Blake lifted my head and used a toilet paper to wipe my mouth. He flushed the toilet and pulled me to my feet. He then lifted his shirt off my body. That I was just noticing. More than likely he had changed me earlier. When he brought me inside.

He directed me to the face basin where I rinsed my mouth with water then mouth wash. I was then steered to the shower. He stood outside and soaped me then turned on the water and instructed me to rinse myself. My eyes were heavy and I could barely even wash myself off. I just stood under the shower. The water stopped and I was engulfed in a towel. Lifted out the shower and made to stand in front of the mirror. I leaned on his chest for support with my eyes closed. I really just wanted to sleep. My throat burned and my head was throbbing. Sleep promised me peace and no pain and I would very well take it.

I heard sounds but I couldn't decipher them nor did I want to. I just hummed as though I was listening.

The towel released my body and went to my hair where it rubbed itself through it. Jerking my head and causing me to whine in complaint. Stupid obnoxious towel. I turned fully hugging whatever was behind me and drifted off. My feet were lifted off the ground. After my naked bottom made contact with the bed my arms were lifted and something went over my head and onto my body. Finally I was allowed to snuggle into the bed and cuddle with the warm muscled body that was behind me. I released a sigh of relief and comfort as I fell into sleep's warm embrace.

"Wake up" I heard a voice while something was shaking me awake.

"No leave me alone." I whined turning my back on whatever that was.

"You have work" It replied.

"I am not going just leave me alone" I said.

I felt as though I would have the most painful headache. So it's better if I just sleep.

I heard a deep sigh then total silence followed by deep peaceful sleep.

A few hours later I woke up, the sun was bright out and my body felt old and broken. My throat was parched and sore. My tummy was growling and but my stomach felt upset. I just felt weak and miserable. My head was pounding too. Sigh. I looked over to the bedside table. Searching for my phone since it wasn't anywhere on the bed. There was a bottle of water and a pack of Panadol. I quickly swallowed them.

Pushing myself off the bed, I went in search of my phone. I wasn't on the dresser or in the bathroom. Every time I tried to think of where it could be my head pounded in response.

Oh the bag! I walked to the closet but the bag wasn't there. I walked straight to the kitchen but nothing was there. My head started spinning a little and my stomach felt worse so I sat down in the couch.

There was something poking me and when I reached for it; it was the phone! It was already 2:45pm.

Oh shit work.

I dialed Liz's number.

"Hello." Liz answered.

"Oh hi Liz. I am sorry that I didn't come today or even tell you about it. I don't feel well." I explained.

"Its fine dear. Blake is here filling in for you and attracting tons of female customers too. You should focus on getting better. I'll see you Monday." She said.

"Oh okay" I muttered then hung up.

So that's where he is. Sigh.

I sat there strolling through my phone recalling how Blake helped me when I was throwing up. What am I supposed to do? Camryn expects me to leave him. The whole school knows that he is still seeing Jessica but he treats me so well.

Am I being a fool? Should I just love him regardless? Or just I just call it quits and let him be with the person he truly wants. Jessica.

My head started hurting more and my tummy was getting really aggressive so I just went to cook so I could take my mind off Blake and Jessica and also get some food in my belly.

I made some pasta. My comfort food but I want ice-cream. Felt like crying so I showered, grabbed my keys and left the house.

The walk did me good. Outside was peaceful and it distracted me from my thoughts. A little anyway. At the mall there were tons of couples. It just made me feel worse. I knew that none of them had to worry about sharing their partners based on the genuineness of their smiles. They didn't have to worry about bullies either or their bestfriend hating on their significant other. Or even their parents being completely MIA because they didn't care.

The tears were stinging at my eyes. Its all Blake's fault! He can't be so sweet and attentive while entertaining another girl. How am I supposed to let go.

This is too brutal.

The worse part is I just wanted to hug him and let him comfort me. He is the only one that accepts me without any conditions.

Blake why?

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