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Midnight Rain- Taylor Swift

You heard the doorbell ring, confused you ran to open the door. You weren't expecting anyone.

When you opened the door, you saw Kevin standing in front of you.

"Pense que todavia ibas a estar en el entrenamiento," You say surprised, opening the door more, allowing Kevin to come in.

"Acabo temprano hoy," He says, a blank expression on his face as he stepped into your house. You noticed a difference in his tone.

"Oh, vienes a cenar con nosotros?" You smiled at him, closing the door for him. You reached over to give him a quick peck on the lips, but he stayed still, his face serious. He didn't kiss you back, he just allowed your lips to touch his. His actions made you look at him confused but also worried.

"Mis papás todavía no llegan pero los podemos esperar y después cenar juntos." You offered, smiling at him again.

"No, solo vengo a decirte algo." He says. You watched how he began to nervously play with the ring on his finger.

"Que paso?" You smiled as you looked at him, ignoring the bad feeling that began to grow in your stomach.

"Me voy a ir a Pachuca, permanentemente," He told you.

"Que?" You looked at him surprised. You knew that this was in his plans, you just never knew that it would happen so soon.

"Me voy Y/n," He said, looking at you.

"Por qué no me lo dijiste antes?" You looked at him in disbelief.

"Lo mejor es que dejemos de ser novios," Kevin said as he looked away, avoiding your gaze.

"Que?" You gasped. You felt your eyes begin to water. "No, porque?" You tried to make him look at you; moving so you could once again meet his gaze.

"No voy a dejer mi sueño por ti, no lo puedo hacer." He looked at you. You saw the specific way in which his eyes were looking at you. You felt an ache in your chest.

You were taken aback with his words. "Yo no te iba a pedir eso, yo lo único que te pido es que no me dejes. Podemos hacer que funcione, no tenemos que romper." You pleaded. Your eyes looked at him. You reached out for his hands, holding them tightly in yours.

"Y/n, no quiero distracciones." He let out a breath.

"No importa lo que yo diga entonces. Tú simplemente no quieres estar conmigo." You let go on his hands.

"Ya me tengo que ir." His hands fell to his side. He began to walk away from you, making his way to the door.

"Siempre le corres a los problemas Kevin," You said, causing him to turn back around and face you once again.

"Este es mi sueño Y/n, y no voy a dejar que nadie se ponga en mi camino." He stood in front of you again.

You didn't know that you were just "anybody." You thought you were someone he loved, at least that's what he always told you.

"Esta bien," You didn't want to stop him; you knew that you couldn't stop him. No matter what you said, your words had no power over him anymore. You had to watch him leave. You knew that it was selfish of you to want him to stay a bit longer; you knew that, but you couldn't help it.

"Pero recuerda, que fuistes tú el que se dio por vencido," You didn't want to cry in front of him. "No te voy a esperar," You told him, as if that would change anything.

"No me esperes entonces, no tengo planes de regresar," He said, turning to walk away from you.

"Adiós Kevin."

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