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"Ya acabaste de empacar?" Your father asked you as soon as you walked into the house.

"Si, ya todo esta listo," You sighed as you began to walk up the stairs.

"Yo se que esto es difícil, pero es para lo mejor, la compañía va bien," Your father said, his words stopping you from walking up the stairs any further. "Es una buena oportunidad para poder expandir," He added.

You just gave him a sad smile before continuing your way up into your room.

As soon as you walked into your room, you let yourself fall onto your bed. You hated change with everything you had in you. You hated having to restart everything and having to leave behind everything you knew.

You were exhausted and your head ached.

Tomorrow, you and your parents will be heading to Mexico City and you were definitely not ready. You had grown up here, you had fallen in love here. Everything, for you, was here.

This is where he would come back, if he ever came back. He wouldn't think you were in Mexico City. Would he even look for you if he came back and realized you weren't even here?

You sighed, closing your eyes in an attempt to also shut down your thoughts. Soon, you fell asleep.

The next morning, you didn't even want to get out of bed. The day you have been dreading was finally here.

You got out of bed, heading to the bathroom, and getting ready.

It would be a short flight, which was better than the very long drive. The furniture and boxes had already arrived at the new house in the city, all you needed to do once you got there was unpack; which you were not excited about.

You went down the stairs, looking at the empty house one last time.

You saw your parents standing in the foyer, waiting for you to come down so you could leave.

"Lista?" Your mother asked you, giving you a saddened smile.

You just shrugged your shoulders, trying your best to smile back at her.

Your suitcase and travel bag sat near the door, along with your parents' stuff. The driver walked into the house and began to place them in the car that would be taking you all to the airport.

You looked out the window as you sat in the car. Looking at the place you had grown up in, the place you knew like the palm of your hand.

You drove by the park, where you would sit and watch Kevin play football. You sighed, forcing yourself to look away.

The drive to the airport made you more upset than you already were. You drove by places you had spent much of your time at. Places that held memories. Places that you were leaving behind.

Your mother watched as you pulled your eyes away from the window. She reached over to place her hand on top of yours, giving it a tight and comforting squeeze. You gave her a saddened smile.

It would be a short flight, which you didn't know whether to be happy or sad about. The quickness of your arrival to the city would make the realness of this whole situation catch up to you faster than you would like it to.

But nonetheless, after the flight, you had finally landed in the place you would have to get used to. You had always enjoyed visiting, you just never thought you would be moving here.

It was change that made you upset.

And of course, having to leave your friends and school.

Your father had arranged your transfer from the university you attended to one in the city. It had a better business program, so it at least had an upside. He forced you to study business so that you could "take his place" in the company once he retires.

He never was one to take your feelings into consideration.

The house was beautiful, you had to admit. The backyard was even better. A gorgeous pool right in the middle with a beautiful garden by the fence.

Your room was bigger than your old one, and the house was also bigger. Maybe the company was doing better, which you were of course happy for, but you were also worried about how fast everything was happening and how fast your father was making big changes not only in your lives but also in the company.

He was making large financial decisions that could affect the company drastically and you weren't sure if he knew that, but you knew how stubborn he was and even if you mentioned it, he wouldn't listen, so you just stayed quiet. 

You began to unpack, getting mostly everything done by the end of the day. There were just some things here and there that you would finish up tomorrow.

When you walked downstairs, your mother was in the kitchen.

"Ordenamos pizza para cenar," She said.

You smiled at her as you sat down on one of the dining room chairs.

"Es que todavía no saco todo de la cocina, todavía están algunas cosas en las cajas," She laughed.

"Y papá?"

"Salio a ver lo de la nueva locación y todo eso, ya sabes," She chuckled as she rolled her eyes.

He had been way too occupied with everything that had to do with the moving of the company that he hadn't spent time with the two of you for a while.

When the pizza arrived, you and your mother sat down to eat, your father arrived home later, way past dinner time.

"Hola," He greeted as you and your mother were in the living room, finishing up the last things that were left to unpack.

"Hola," Both your mother and you said in unison.

"Cómo te fue?" Your mother asked as she set down a picture frame on one of the side tables in the living room.

"Bien, todo va muy bien," Your father grinned.

"Pa, no cres que te moviste muy rápido?" You finally let your thoughts come out.

He turned to look at you.

"No, todo va bien," He gave you a tight-lipped smile.

You just nodded your head, not saying anything else.

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