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Months had gone by, and with the preparation of the parties, the wedding, and working with your father, you hadn't even realized that you would be meeting up with Pedri in Spain soon, and by soon, you really meant in days.

Thankfully, you had gotten your suitcases ready days in advance. With all the stress you already had, as it was, having to pack at the very last minute was something you wanted to avoid. Although, you weren't exactly sure about what to pack and after many video calls with Pedri, you had finally gotten your suitcases ready. He assured you that if you had forgotten anything or if something was missing and needed, he would get them for you when you arrived in Spain. That set you at ease and made packing go much more smoothly.

Pedri had gone back to Spain about two months ago, having to go continue his training for Barcelona.

You were extremely nervous. Having to meet new people, being in a whole new country. It was terrifying, to say the least. But it was also exciting. Your father never really allowed you to travel much on your own, he said that your only priority should be to study.

But now, he was forced to allow you to travel. Your 'in-laws' said so, and your parents didn't want to upset them. So, now, here you were, on your way to a country that is across the world.

You had already boarded the plane, waiting anxiously for it to take off. Pedri said he would see you at the airport. It felt like the last time you saw him was forever ago, and to be quite honest, seeing him again made you a bit nervous.

Your days had consisted of him, then, they didn't, and now, you would have to go back to them consisting of him. 

When the plane finally took off, you tried to fall asleep in an attempt to make the trip go by quicker, but your head kept spinning, and your stomach began to hurt. But you were finally able to rest a couple of hours into the flight.

You had fallen asleep on the plane, not even realizing when you had finally landed in Barcelona.

You already knew the jet lag was going to hit you hard.

Pedri said he would be at the airport right after practice. He mentioned Gavi, one of his teammates coming with him as well since they share an apartment and he drives both of them around. Pedri had talked about Gavi the most out of all of his teammates, so you knew that they were best friends. You were excited to meet someone so important to Pedri.

But, you were the most excited about seeing Pedri. You walked in a hurry through the airport, trying your best to peek over people in search of a brown-haired guy. You checked your phone trying to see if he had texted you anything, hoping for his location to become clearer.

When you looked up from your phone, trying to make out where you were so that you could text him, a smile immediately found its way to your face when you saw him waiting at the bottom of the escalators. You made your way to him silently, ready to surprise him.

Hiding your excitement, you approached him with a serious look on your face. You stood behind him, your suitcase beside you, and your hands behind your back as you waited for him to turn around. A lighter-haired guy stood beside him, both looking toward the tall windows in the airport.

"Te iba a asustar, pero estas tardando demasiado en voltear," You sighed, having grown impatient. Your words instantly made him turn around. You smiled as soon as he looked at you.

He pulled you into a hug making you laugh. When the two of you pulled apart, you noticed the other guy standing there awkwardly. You turned to look at Pedri, waiting for him to introduce who you assumed was Gavi.

"El es Gavi," He said, motioning to the guy standing next to him. Finally being able to put a face to the name made you smile wider. Pedri always told you the funniest stories about him and Gavi.

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