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Pedri was leaving for Spain today. The two of you walked holding hands through the airport, watching as people were quick to gather around to watch you two walk together. You felt strange having so many eyes on you but it was something that you knew you had to grow used to.

Back when you were dating Kevin, he wasn't well-known yet, so your relationship was private.  But now, having a "well-known" and powerful businessman as your father definitely meant being in the public eye, but had never gotten to this extent.

When you and Pedri would go out, people would ask for pictures and autographs. They would stare and whisper. It's not something that's easy to get used to, but you have learned to start ignoring it.

You were just nervous about how much the public's attention would differ from Mexico to Spain because sure, Pedri was well-known in Mexico, but in Spain, it was a whole different thing. People in Spain adore him and that meant even more attention from the public and that made you nervous.

Nonetheless, you just knew that the parents were going to love the media coverage the two of you were going to get. You could already imagine the headlines. 

"No me extrañes demasiado," Pedri said as he nudged your shoulder with his, making you laugh.

"Quisieras," You scoffed.

"Te vere aya," He said before leaning down to place a kiss on your lips.

You found yourself slightly smiling at the kiss. Was it fake smiling? Or, was it a genuine smile? Whatever it was, a smile remained on your lips.

Once he pulled away you nodded at him. You would see him soon, soon being months. You would stay here, preparing things for the engagement party in Mexico and you already knew that you were going to be absolutely miserable.

Having to deal with this whole engagement thing alone, wasn't something you were looking forward to. When Pedri was here, you had someone to complain to and who actually understood you.

You had someone to lean on, literally.

"Creo que si te extrañare," You whispered to him, making him smile.

"Te echaré de menos también, pero pronto irás a España, y nos veremos de nuevo," He reassured you as he placed his hands on your shoulders.

Once again, you nodded your head with a sad smile on your face.

He pulled you into a hug, rocking you side to side.

You slightly pulled away once you heard his flight being called over the intercom. Your hands resting on his hips, his hands going back to your shoulders.

"Bueno, ya vete," You told him, but he just pulled you into a tighter hug, making you laugh. "Pedri," You laughed, trying to pull away from him but it only made him hug you even tighter.

"Vale, vale, ya me voy," He finally pulled away, placing a peck on your lips once again, before walking off to board the plane. He turned to wave goodbye and you returned the wave with a saddened smile. You watched as he began to walk away from you.

You had grown used to having him there with you. Your days consisted of seeing him and spending your days with him and now that he was leaving, you didn't know what your days would be like now.

Probably, wake up, do nothing, shower, go to sleep, repeat.

A cycle you were very familiar with...

"Espera," You said, making him stop walking. He turned around, watching you walk up to him, you grew more hesitant the closer you got to him. You watched as his eyes roamed your face trying to figure out what you were going to do.

What you did next, he would've never expected it.

You kissed him, but it wasn't a soft peck this time, it was much more than that; it felt like much more.

"Adios Pedri," You smiled at him when you pulled away, leaving him breathless and surprised. He didn't know how to react.

"Adios," He said, short of breath. His reaction made you hold back a smile.

You saw him walk toward his designated gate. You saw him walk in, and then disappear. You decided it was time to walk back out to your car. Your days would feel empty now, lacking the companionship of Pedri. 

When you walked into the house, after arriving from the airport you heard voices coming from the living room. Your father was sitting on the couch, a newspaper laying on his lap while your mother sat next to him.

"Vi un vestido cuando salí con mis amigas, me puedes dar dinero?" She asked, making your father turn his body more to face her.

"Me estas pidiendo dinero?" He asked, basically in disbelief.

"Mis amigas se están dando cuenta de que algo está pasando," You could hear the annoyance in your mother's voice. "No quiero que se den cuenta de que nos estamos yendo a la quiebra," She began to raise her voice.

He grabbed the newspaper from his lap, tossing it onto the coffee table.

"Acaso no entiendes lo que pasa?" Your father stood up. "No tenemos dinero. No puedes seguir comprando joyas, y ropa cara," He was getting annoyed too.

"Hola," You spoke, as you stepped into the living room. "Ya llegue," You placed your purse on the couch.

"Como te fue," Your father's attention shifted from your mother to you.

"Bien," You smiled at him. Your father nodded his head approvingly before turning his attention back to where it was prior.

"Marlene, no tenemos dinero," He said, not budging.

"Nuestra reputación se irá a la basura," She stood up abruptly. "La gente va a empezar a hablar," She stood in front of your father. You listened to them arguing too distracted with the hem of your shirt.

"El compromiso de Y/n y Pedri va a causar una distracción entre la gente," Your father's words made you look up at him. "Así que no lo eches a perder Y/n." He looked at you.

"Lo sé, a cada rato me lo dices. Yo se que no lo puedo echar a perder, lo se," You rubbed your temples. There wasn't a day that went by where he didn't constantly remind you of that.

"Al Menos has dejado de hacer tus berrinches estúpidos," Your mother spat out before she stormed out of the living room, leaving you alone with your father.

Your mother seemed to have a switch that would make her personality different when it came to money. As long as she got what she wanted; luxurious shoes and clothes, expensive jewelry, whatever it was, she was happy.

But as soon as she gets told no, she turns into a spoiled and immature woman that throws a tantrum.

You won't deny it. Both you and your mother were used to getting whatever it was you wanted. Your father tried to make up his absence with money and gifts.

"Y ahora que tengo que hacer ya que Pedri no está aquí?" You let your head rest on the palm of your hand as you looked at your father.

"Puedes venir a trabajar en la compañía," He said, making your eyes widen. "Haci te puedes preparar más, antes de que te vayas a trabajar en la compañía de España,"

You would be working in Spain with Pedri's father, at least until he retires, which he was planning to do next year. Pedri was nowhere near retiring, and part of the deal was that he needed someone to also deal with the company, and what better way to do that, than you being the one doing it? After all, your father's company and Marcos' company were merging.

"Esta bien," You sighed, not really having the strength to oppose anything right now.

"En serio?" He asked, and for the first time in a while, he smiled at you. A genuine smile.

"Si, no tengo nada mejor que hacer," You sighed again. It was something you knew you would have to do at some point, so what better way than to do it now? It worked as a distraction and you would just get it out of the way. You were killing two birds with one stone.

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