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You found yourself thinking about Pedri's offer of going to Spain with him way more than you would ever admit. You had never gone to Spain before, and the offer made you feel excited. You loved traveling, but the situation wasn't the best which made the idea of traveling not that appealing.

Going to a whole different country with someone you barely knew? It made you nervous, but he was going to be your husband after all, so maybe this could be an opportunity to get to know each other better? Get comfortable with each other?

But was he actually being serious or was he simply just joking?

A knock on your bedroom door helped you escape your thoughts.

"Vas a desayunar?" Your mother asked as she opened your door.

"Si, bajo en un segundo," You said as you smiled at her.

She nodded her head before walking out of your room.

Today wasn't going to be eventful and you didn't really have anything to look forward to. You walked downstairs, still in your pajamas. You walked into the kitchen, sitting down on one of the barstools.

The sound of the doorbell ringing surprised you.

"Quien viene tan temprano?" You turned to look at your mother as you hopped off the stool.

"Se me olvido decirte que viene Pedri a desayunar con nosotras," She said, making you widen your eyes in surprise.

"Porque no me lo dijiste antes? Mira como estoy!" You ran up to your room to get ready. When you walked back downstairs to the kitchen, you weren't surprised when you saw Pedri sitting on the barstool next to the one you were previously sitting on.

"Buenos dias," He greeted you as he saw you walk to sit down once again.

"Buenos dias," You greeted him back.

You sat in silence as you watched him and your mother talk as she made breakfast, he had offered to help multiple times but each time, your mother told him no.

After breakfast, you and Pedri sat in silence in your backyard. The two of you sat together, enjoying the warm breeze.

"A mi me encanta el calor," Pedri said, breaking the silence you had begun getting comfortable with.

"A mi el frio," You turned to look at him.

He looked at you for a second before pulling his gaze away.

"Yo no me puedo acostumbrar al frío," He told you.

"Yo odio el calor, no lo soporto," You shook your head and scrunched your face in disgust. "Cuando hace calor aquí, soy miserable," You told him, causing him to look at you with a judgemental look.

"Que vamos a hacer?" He asked, looking at you with a serious look on his face.

"Te tendras que acostumbrar al frio," You shrugged your shoulders.

He shook his head no. "No no, tu te tendras que acostumbrar al calor," He said looking at you.

You shook your head no, before getting up from where you were sitting and going back inside the house. You looked at him through the window in the dining room. You watched him as he also got up from where he was sitting and then proceeded to walk into the house.

"Que?" He said.

"Ya hacia mucho calor," You said as you fanned your face with your hand. 

He laughed.

"Que vamos hacer?" He asked again, a serious look on his face.

"Sobre?" You looked at him confused.

"El calor y el frío," He looked at you as if he had asked you the most important question ever.

"Te tendrás que acostumbrar al frío," You said once again, not changing your answer, shrugging your shoulders.

"Que no,"

"Entonces no lo se, porque si vas a tener la casa caliente, me iré," You told him, your facial expression had also turned serious.

"Pero con una casa fría no puedo," He complained.

"Todavia ni nos casamos, y ya estamos discutiendo," You rolled your eyes at him, walking away and towards the living room, which he followed you into.

"No te quiero lo suficiente para hacer un sacrificio de ese nivel," He mumbled as he sat down on the couch.

"Y crees que yo si?" You scoffed.

"Estás feliz de que ya te has graduado de la universidad?" He asked, most likely in an attempt to change the subject.

You shrugged your shoulders before letting out a sigh.

"Da igual. No estudie algo que me gustara mucho," You looked at him.

"Qué estudiaste?"

"Negocios, mi padre quiere que me haga cargo de la compañía algun dia,"

"Y que te hubiera gustado estudiar?" He asked, you saw the way he moved so he could sit a bit forward.

You stayed quiet, looking at him. No one had asked you that before and it caught you off guard.

"Literactura," You told him. "Me hubiera gustado ser escritora," You gave him a saddened smile.

"Te gusta escribir?"

He was asking a lot of questions, but for some reason, you wanted to answer every single one of them.

"Me encanta," That saddened smile, slowly began to turn into a happy one. He allowed you to speak about yourself, never interrupting you. He had the same excited facial expressions you had whenever you told him about something you loved.

"Mi sueño era ir a estudiar en Nueva York y volverme escritora aya," You admitted to him, watching how his eyes widened in amazement when you told him your dream. "Pero mi padre no me dejó, estoy atrapada," You sighed, defeated.

"Te llevare a Nueva York," He told you, making you laugh.

"En serio?" You asked him, raising your eyebrows at him, still slightly laughing.

He nodded his head in a serious manner.

"Me invitas a España, y ahora me dices que me llevaras a Nueva York?" You ask him, a playful smile on your face. "Me estas tratando de seducir," You joked, making him glare at you.

"Podemos ir a Nueva York para nuestra luna de miel," He joked, making your laughter come to a complete stop.

You turned to look at him with a serious look on your face.

"No eres chistoso," You threw a pillow at him, which he caught, quickly throwing it back at you, making you huff in annoyance.

"Bueno, ha sido un gusta mi amada novia, pero ya me tengo que ir, quede en comer con mis padres," He says as he gets up from the couch. "Vendrán a verte mañana," He tells you, as the two of you walk towards the foyer to say your goodbyes.

"Para?" You ask him confused.

"No lo se," He shrugs his shoulders.

"Esta bien, vendrás tú?"

"Claro, no quiero que me extrañes mucho," He smiles at you.

"Aha," You roll your eyes, opening the door for him, watching as he steps out the door. He turns around to face you.

"Adios, Y/n," He says, a smile still on his face.

"Adios Pedri," You say. He turns away to walk towards the car, once you saw him get in the car, you closed the door and went to your bedroom. Your mother was somewhere in the house, and your father would come home in a couple of hours, and then dinner would be served, so you didn't have much to do until then.

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