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Now, without Pedri here, your days consisted of work, and well, that was pretty much it.

Your father made sure to show you everything there was to the company. With that, came the realization of just how much in debt the family was in. It wasn't just thousands of dollars, it was millions. How did it get this bad?

Poor financial practices and poor management. Money was getting into your parent's heads. They grew comfortable with the idea that the company was doing good and that they thought it would continue to do well, so they quite literally went insane.

They moved to the city, bought a new house, bought new cars, bought new clothes, jewelry, and makeup; they got themselves a lavish life, without realizing that things can go downhill just as fast as they go up.

So, because of their irresponsibilities, you had to be the one to take the fall.

And that meant marrying Pedri because their family was paying off the creditors.

But the González family was also benefiting from this and so far, it was working. Pedri hadn't gotten into any scandals lately, keeping up the front of being Y/n Villanueva's boyfriend.

What was the story behind your relationship with Pedri? How did the daughter of a Mexican businessman make the very popular Spanish player fall for her?

Let's not forget that Pedri's father is also a businessman.

The story goes, the González family traveled to Mexico to negotiate business with Sergio. Pedri tagged along, you tagged along, your eyes met, and boom, love at first sight.

Everyone ate that story up, literally. Two people that love each other but are separated by distance, but somehow they make it work, and whenever they see each other again, they are still as much in love as they were before, if not, even more in love.

People truly are hopeless romantics.

The story spread like wildfire. Your parents having a lot to do with it. Sending anonymous tips about Pedri being in Mexico, about your dates, all of that stuff.

Did you get hate?

Well, you were "dating" one of the most desirable men in Spain. So, of course, you got hate.

But you didn't really care, because, after all, the relationship was fake. There was no point in stressing out over hate that was caused because of something that wasn't real. Obviously, the public didn't know it was fake, but you still didn't care much about it. So, you let it be.

You heard a knock on the door. At least, your father was kind enough to give you an office so you could work more comfortably.

"Pasa," You said, going back to looking at your computer.

"Tu padre me dijo que le trajera estos documentos," Estefania, your father's secretary walked into your office.

"Gracias," You said, reaching over to grab the folder from her. She smiles as she nodded her head before walking out and leaving you alone once again.

You regretted opening the folder. More documents containing the data regarding the bankruptcy. You sighed as you looked at each document.

Another knock on the door, but this time, they didn't wait for you to answer. You weren't surprised when you saw your father walk in.

"Has visto lo que te mande?" He asked as he sat down on one of the chairs in front of your desk.

You nodded your head, raising the documents you held in your hands for him to see.

"Ahora te das cuenta de lo importante que es tu matrimonio con Pedri,"

In the world you lived in, of course, everything came with a double meaning. Everything had two sides to it.

Your father was there, sitting in front of you, making sure that you felt bad, making sure that you were the one to fix what he and your mother caused.

And unfortunately, it was working.

"Lo se papá, creme que lo se," You set the documents down in front of you. You looked up at him. "No ves que he estado tratando tan duro?" You spoke softly. "Yo se que tengo que atar mi vida a alguien al que no amo. Mi vida ya no me pertenece papá," You motioned your hands toward you.

"Deja de ser tan emocional," He leaned back on the chair.

You scoffed. You were about to marry someone you've only known for a couple of months, someone you didn't love.

To your father and mother, it might seem like any other thing, because they married each other for power, money, and reputation.

Did they fall in love anywhere down the line? Maybe, maybe not. There had to be something for them to have lasted this long, or maybe their craving for power overcame their lack of love and made them stay.

After all, they were known for their greediness...

"Amas a mamá?" You asked him, leaning back against your chair, staring at him as you waited for his answer.

"Aprendes a amar, yo pienso que todos tenemos algún poder cuando se trata de quien nos enamoramos de," He answered.

That wasn't the answer you had hoped for.

If you truly had a say in who you fell for, why can't you stop loving Kevin? Why, even after years, can't you forget him? You wanted to stop loving him. With everything in you, you wanted to hate him, you wanted your heart to stop aching every time you saw him on the television screen, and you wanted your mind to not be consumed by him. So if you truly had a say, why couldn't it all stop?

Your father was lying to you. You have no say in who you fall in love with. He is a liar.

"Tu aprenderás a amar a Pedri, y él a ti," He says.

You wanted to tell him no. You wanted to tell him just how broken your heart was after Kevin left.

"Y si no?" You asked. You were afraid; afraid that you would be completely miserable.

"Aprenderas a vivir sin o con amor," He answered with such ease that it made you feel uneasy.

This life, the life your parents want for you, you don't want it.

You wanted love. You wanted to love and to be loved. You didn't want to settle for mere convenience.

"Saca provecho de esto Y/n, no seas tonta. Pedri tiene tanto dinero, te dará una vida llena de lujos, si no te enamoras de él, enamórate de su dinero," He said.

You looked at him, disgusted at what he had just said. What was wrong with him?

"Si no fuera por ustedes, yo no haría esto. Nunca quise casarme con alguien solo por su dinero. Yo quería casarme con alguien por amor," You said. You were angry.

"El amor, no. existe. Eso grabatelo muy bien en esa cabecita que tienes," He said with such bitterness in his voice that it almost made you feel bad for him. You glared at him as he got up from where he was sitting. He marched out of your office, every step he took, echoed throughout the office.

As he left, a headache entered. You sighed, rubbing your temples.

What if you ended up just as bitter as him?



Yay, there's a double-chapter release today!

I wanted to get your opinion on the storytelling perspective. Currently, the stories are in Third Person (You, He, She, They). Would you prefer if they were in First Person (I, Me, We)? Please let me know. Hope you enjoy the chapters!

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