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You and Pedri had been forced to go look at the wedding venue before his break started. Paz had called Pedri telling him that she needed the two of you to go see it as soon as possible. The hurry to get everything ready seemed to become more of a necessity nowadays.

And with Pedri's vacation being the perfect opportunity to travel and get even more exposure on your relationship, matters on the engagement parties and the wedding needed to be handled first.

You both had chosen to do the wedding at a beautiful hacienda. As Pedri drove into the long driveway, you couldn't help but look all around in complete awe. You had seen how absolutely gorgeous the place was in the pictures, but seeing it in person was a whole different experience.

"Me gusta," You said as you and Pedri walked hand in hand behind one of the workers from the wedding venue. "Se ve aun mas hermoso que en las fotos que vimos,"

"Este lugar tiene mucho espacio para sus invitados," The man leading the tour said. He led you into the backyard area of the large house. "Hay mucho espacio para una pista de baile, mesas, y lo que necesiten,"

You looked around and although the place was truly gorgeous, all of those thoughts came rushing into your mind. How could you truly enjoy this when you knew the true circumstances you were in?

"Tienes que ser más amable con Pedri, mi niña," Your mother stood in front of you. "Te hubieras visto la carota que tenias," She glared at you. "Mirandote asi de seria, de fea, como piensas conquistarlo?" She said sourly.

"A mi no me interesa conquistarlo, mamá," You said. "Por qué tengo que conquistarlo si lo único que quieren de él, de su familia, es su dinero. Por que tengo que conquistarlo?" You said, your eyes beginning to tear up.

"Ay por favor Y/n, no te hagas la santa," She said, her face twisted in a bitter expression. "De ese dinero vas a sobrevivir tú también. Tú al igual que nosotros, necesitas ese dinero," She spat. " Haci que no empieces Y/n. Habíamos quedado en-" She began to say before you interrupted her.

"En que yo me tengo que sacrificar para salvar a la familia, y casarme con un hombre rico." You took a step closer to her. "Pues quedate tranquila mamá, por que eso es lo que voy hacer. Y sabes por qué? Por que lo que pase con mi vida, ya me da igual!" You said, in surrender.

You had begun to give up. You knew that no matter what you said, or what you did, there just wasn't a way out. So you stayed, rooted in the same place, watching as your life slipped through your hands like sand.

"Claramente te da igual. Te enamoraste de alguien al que no le importabas. Kevin te dejo a la primera oportunidad que tubo. Se fue asi," She snapped her fingers in front of your face multiple times, taunting you. You took a step back, trying to get away from how close her fingers were to you.

You didn't say anything else to her. You just left and walked to your room, slamming your door. You sat down on the window seat in your room.

"Ya no vuelvo a enamorarme. Ya no vuelvo a creerle a nadie. Y mucho menos vuelvo a dejar que alguien me vea la cara de estupida" You breathed heavily, your anger beginning to grow even more as you thought about Kevin.

"A mi tambien me gusta," Pedri said, looking around a bit more. He gave your hand a gentle squeeze. The two of you walked through a stone pathway, trees that were cut in fancy shapes decorated either side of it.

"Será la boda del año," One of the workers said. You turned your head to look at him.

"Eso espero," Pedri said softly, making sure that only you were able to hear what he had just said. You both knew what was being expected of this marriage and you both could only hope that those expectations could be met.

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