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Pedri's parents had come to see you, just like Pedri said they would; and their visit was making your head spin.

Every visit involved so much talking.

"Ya tienen que ir viendo lo de el lugar para la fiesta de compromiso," Pedri's mother said as she sat in the living room with her husband next to her.

You and Pedri sat next to each other, observing the adults as they never seemed to stop talking.

"No se preocupen de el precio, nosotros nos encargamos," Pedri's mother said, smiling at you and Pedri. Did she say it to try and make you and your parents feel any better about this situation? Because if that was the case, it wasn't working. At least not for you.

"Esta bien," You force a smile. "Gracias," You didn't know why you thanked them, it's not like you were doing this because you wanted to, but it seemed like the polite thing to do, and it made your father smile at you, so you assumed that it was also the right thing to do since it made him happy.

You had come to the realization that when you talk about the whole marriage thing with your parents and Pedri's parents, that was when the whole thing began to overwhelm you all over again. Yet, when you talk about it with Pedri, you don't feel as pressured. He managed to make it seem less stressful and less lonely.

Through all of this, the parents never seemed to take your feelings or Pedri's feelings into consideration, but Pedri was there and he listened and understood.

You didn't know how he did it. Was he not worried about this whole thing? You turned to look at him, trying to decipher the way he was feeling at the moment, but instead, you were met with him already looking at you. He smiled gently at you, before turning to look at the adults once again.

"España es hermosa, van a tener muchas opciones para lugares aya," Pedri's mother spoke again.

The happiness she was expressing about this whole situation was making your stomach upset.

"También tendremos una fiesta de compromiso aquí, entonces tienen dos lugares que escoger," Your father said. You didn't know that there would be two engagement parties. The recently brought up news made you feel even more overwhelmed, but you hid it with a simple smile and a nod of agreement and understanding.

"Dos vestidos entonces, bueno, supongo" You mumbled, trying your best to hide your annoyance.

"Si, claro, no puedes usar el mismo vestido," Pedri's mother chuckled at what you had just said as if it was the most ridiculous thing that has ever come out of your mouth.

You just smiled at her, nodding your head going along with what she had just said. You didn't really care about this party, but you had to go along with everything that was going on, for the sake of the company, and of course, for the sake of your father.

Never had you ever been so compliant. It was quite sad and embarrassing if you were telling the truth. You never thought that you would ever in your life, find yourself in this position or situation.

The engagement parties and the wedding were going to cost a lot of money and that worried you. Your family, obviously, didn't have the money to be spending on the planning of some ridiculous wedding and whatever else went on for that.

"Pero, no es un poco rápido todo esto de las fiestas?" You asked out of nowhere. "Se supone que Pedri y yo acabamos de empezar a salir," You turned to look at Pedri, to see if he had any specific reactions to what you had just said. "No va a ser raro que de repente ya estemos planeando nuestra boda?" You furrowed your brows.

"Bueno, en eso tiene razón Y/n," Pedri agreed with you.

"No," Marcos spoke, making you and Pedri turn to look at him. Pedri's father was smiling, but it was scarier than when he had a serious look on his face. "Sabemos lo que hacemos," He turned to look at you directly. "En un año, más o menos, serán las fiestas, tenemos que ir planeando con tiempo," He smiled at you, making you feel like a dumb child under his gaze. "No queremos apresurar las cosas en el último momento,"

Very ironic coming from him. Not wanting to rush things? As if they weren't forcing you and Pedri to date AND marry each other when the two of you hadn't even known the other existed prior to this whole fiasco.

You just nodded your head, once again, and like you seemed to do very often lately, you forced a smile.

"Que sea la última vez que me cuestionan, no me gusta cuando alguien hace eso," Marcos shook his head disapprovingly at both you and Pedri.

You stared at him as he talked. You didn't enjoy this situation, and you most definitely did not enjoy how he was speaking to you. Pulling your eyes away from him and turning to look anywhere but at the adults in the room; if you looked at them any longer you might just have a complete outburst.

You stayed seated next to Pedri for a couple more minutes before deciding to walk into the kitchen for a glass of water, or really, just an excuse to get out of the living room. The conversation going on was suffocating you and everything that was being said was going in through one ear and out the other.

You let out a breath of relief once you were surrounded by silence and some tranquility.

"Perdon por como es mi padre," Pedri's voice filled the kitchen, bringing the silence to an end.

You turned to look at him, your glass of water in one hand.

"Sabes cómo están nuestros padres ahorita," You say. "Me tendré que acostumbrar," You chuckled. "Quieres agua?" You offered as you placed your glass of water down on the kitchen island, waiting for him to answer.

"Por favor," He accepted, staying on the other side of the island, watching you as you grabbed a cup from one of the cabinets.

You placed the full glass of water in front of him, earning a thank you from him.

"Todo esto es muy complicado," You say, making him stop midway as he's about to take a sip of his water. He places the cup down.

"Si, pero me alegro de que tu no seas tan mala," He smirks. "Al menos eso me da un poco de alivio," He says, before picking up the glass and taking a sip.

His words made you smile.

"Tu no eres tan malo tampoco," You say, picking your glass up as well to take a sip of your water. You can see the smile that he hides behind the cup, which makes you smile even wider for whatever reason.

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