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You did exactly as you were told and now here you were at some fancy restaurant, waiting patiently. If you were being honest, you were nervous. It had been a while since the last time you had gone out on a date, even if this one wasn't something you really wanted nor had gone to willingly but, it was still a date, unfortunately. A fake one, but still, a date nonetheless.

You rubbed your hands together anxiously. You allowed your eyes to wander around the restaurant. Your eyes landed on a couple sitting together, a few tables down. They were laughing and talking, obviously enjoying their time together. You sighed, pulling your eyes away from them.

It was a nice restaurant, beautifully decorated and lively.

No matter how many new things your eyes landed upon, time still seemed to go by slowly, too slowly for your liking. You tried to distract yourself by looking at the menu for what felt like the 30th time.

You sighed, taking a sip of the sparkling water you had ordered. You turned to look outside, the sun was hiding behind a large cloud, but you still admired the little light that the cloud allowed through.

Suddenly, a figure sitting in front of you pulled your attention away from the window. You turned your head to face forward once again, and saw a man with dark brown hair.

You blinked, surprised. You waited for him to say something.

"Por que me miras así?" He asked, reaching out for the menu that was placed in front of him.

"No se quien eres," You said as you raised your eyebrows confused. Of course you knew who he was, you had searched him up online not that long ago, but you would never admit to it, especially not directly to his face.

You saw the way he smirked, he continued to look over the menu, ignoring your question for a few seconds.

"Pues soy tu futuro esposo, claro," He laughed, setting the menu down. He looked at you, a taunting smile on his face.

You scoffed.

"Pedro?" You looked at him.

He nodded his head.

"Pero me puedes decir Pedri," He said, smiling at you.

You looked at him, before picking the menu up again, even though you had already decided what you wanted to order a while ago, the situation was too awkward and the menu seemed like a good excuse to not pay him any attention.

"No me has dicho tu nombre," He said.

You put the menu down and you watched as he leaned forward on the table, waiting for you to tell him your name.

"Y/n," You said. Then you and him were surrounded by silence.

"Lo sabia, solo estaba bromeando con tigo," He smiled at you once again before leaning back on his chair.

"Les tomo su orden?" The waitress showed up, which made you feel relieved, you didn't know how to respond to what he had just said.

You nodded your head, smiling at the waitress.

You ordered pasta. Pedri ordered the same as you. The waitress walked away after taking both of your orders and once again, you and Pedri were left in silence.

You looked at him, he seemed to feel less awkward than you were currently feeling, as he was looking directly at you; a smile still on his face. You looked away to avoid his gaze. Your eyes returning to the same window from before.

"Tu eres la que me va a controlar entonces?" He asked, letting out a soft laugh afterward.

His question made you turn your head quickly to look at him. You looked at him with wide eyes, which only made his laugh a bit louder.

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