twenty seven

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Pedri was right.

The parents wanted to talk about the engagement party.

Your parents had flown in a week after you and Pedri had arrived in Barcelona.

And when they said that the engagement party had to be sooner than originally planned they truly meant it. Your engagement with Pedri would finally be announced in Spain and then the announcement party in Mexico would follow soon after.

"Ya está todo listo para el anuncio," They announced.

You and Pedri barely had time to sit down and come to the reality that this was seriously happening now.

But if there was one thing that at least gave you a peace of mind was that all the minor details were set and ready to go, the venue was good (although the booking date had to be rearranged), the guest list was good to go, and your dress was perfect.

Everything was set.

Everyone was over the moon.

"Te ves hermosa!" Paz squealed as soon as she saw you in the dress you had chosen for the engagement party in Spain.

Your mother just stood proudly beside you, looking at you as if you were a prize that was ready to be handed over.

Still, even though you and Pedri were in a much more stable place, you couldn't help but feel an empty feeling in your stomach, and it wasn't even the actual wedding yet. It was simply the announcement, but it still made this whole thing seem more real...

Once it was out to the public, if either of you backed out, it would look absolutely horrible, especially for your family's reputation, but most importantly...

For your father's and Marcos' reputation.

This event was no exception to everything else. You had to do absolutely everything you were told to do.

Pedri walked over to you, standing next to you.

"Lista?" He asked. He was dressed in a suit. He looked so handsome that it took a lot of effort from you to not launch yourself at him and take him back to your dressing room.

"Si, y tu? Estas listo?" You asked him in a teasing tone.

"Para anunciar que vas a ser mi esposa? Por supuesto," He smirked, making you laugh.

The two of you stood behind the closed entry doors.

"Okay, Y/n , agaralo del brazo, y sonrían cuando entren," Paz walked up to the two of you in a hurry. She was also dressed up in a long brown dress. Your parents walked in behind her, your father in a suit, while your mother wore a red dress. Marcos walked in last, a serious look on his face.

"Más vale que los convenzan que esto," Marcos motioned between you and Pedri. "Es real," He glared at Pedri and then at you.

Pedri nodded his head before turning to look at you with a gentle smile, which helped you calm down a bit.

"Okay! Ya van a abrir las puertas!" Paz clapped excitedly as she went to go stand beside Marcos.

When the doors opened, you saw the hundreds of people that were sitting down at tables sprawled around in the large floor area of the venue.

People clapped as you and Pedri walked into the room. Engagement parties in the world of the "high societal class" always seemed to go way over the top.

Why couldn't it just be a small party with close family members? Why did it have to be hundreds of people in the business world? You didn't even know most of these people and that didn't really help with the whole "fake" part of this whole thing, it just helped prove the fact that all of this was just for show.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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