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I know I took forever to update, sorry! I hope you enjoy this chapter! 5235, new word count record!

One quick thing before you start reading, when the song name pops up, that's when you should play the song! Enjoy the chapter!


You had found out that today's game was actually quite an important one in terms of rewards if they won. It wasn't a Clasico, but it was a good opportunity for Xavi and the team to get an idea of where they were before they began their long-term training for the harder part of the season.

Pedri had told you that if they won, they got a week and a half off for a break, which he was excited about and the excitement made him even more determined to win.

Although he would have to wait a week for said break to start.

Pedri had gotten up early today since they had early morning practice before the game. You had slept in a bit more, thankful that Pedri hadn't woken you up when he had left. 

You were looking forward to the plans you had with Sira today. The plans were: to go out for lunch, get ready at her apartment, and then head over to the game together. You were excited about going out and walking around.

When you finally decided to wake up, you noticed something on Pedri's side of the bed. You sat up, pushing the blankets a bit to the side to try and see what was hiding under the covers.

"Para ti, mi querida novia, -P" You read the sticky note out loud. Pedri had placed one of his jerseys and the sticky note on his side of the bed before he left for practice. Taking advantage of the fact that you were still sound asleep, he decided to leave it as a little surprise for when you woke up.

"Que cursi," You scoffed amused but still the gesture made a smile creep onto your face.

The house was silent. You weren't exactly sure when Pedri and Gavi would be back, probably before you left.

You got up and went to brush your teeth before going downstairs and making yourself some breakfast. You left some for Pedri and Gavi as well, placing it in the fridge before you sat down to eat your breakfast.

You and Sira had decided to get together at around 2:00 PM and it was currently 11:00 AM, so you had some time before you had to get ready. Sira would be coming to pick you up since you didn't have a car.

When you were done eating breakfast, and washing some of the dishes that were in the sink, you decided to also clean the room up a bit. You made the bed, fixed the throw blanket Pedri had on the couch, and cleaned some of the stuff on the nightstands.

Even though you have only been here for a couple of days, you were beginning to feel a bit more comfortable with it all. Pedri's friends were nice, obviously, with the exception of Amanda, Spain was absolutely beautiful, and Pedri also tried to make sure that you were comfortable.

There wasn't any other choice but to adjust anyway.

You didn't really know when you would be going back to Mexico, it was something you assumed your father would decide, or most likely, Marcos would decide it. So right now, it was just a waiting game.

"Ya llegue," You heard Pedri say as he walked into the bedroom.

"Hola," You greeted him.

"A qué hora viene Sira?" He asked as he set his bag down near the closet.

"A la una," You responded. "Ya en un rato me voy a empezar a arreglar,"

"Vale, me voy a bañar, y después voy a tomar una siesta que estoy tan cansado," He sighed before grabbing some clothes and then heading into the bathroom.

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