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You had accompanied Pedri to the training facility to meet his teammates as well as some of their partners since some had also attended the viewing of their practice.

You had woken up earlier than you thought, turning to look at Pedri who was still asleep. You returned your gaze to the ceiling, not knowing whether to get up or just stay exactly where you were.

Pedri had stayed on his side of the bed all throughout the night, doing just as he had said. Not once did he come over to your side.

The ringing of his alarm scared you. The silence in the room ended abruptly with the obnoxious ringing. You heard Pedri turn in a hurry to turn the alarm off, quickly turning to look at you.

"Te desperto?" He asked, his voice still groggy.

"No, ya estaba despierta," You said smiling, trying your best not to laugh at the view in front of you. His hair was messy, his eyes tired, and his shirt was all wrinkly.

"No te rias," He said, as he got out of bed.

"No me estoy riendo," You said, staying in bed, watching him as he began to walk into the closet, pulling out his practice set, and then heading to the bathroom to change.

You finally got out of bed, walking over to get your clothes for today. When Pedri walked out of the bathroom, you walked in to take a quick shower and to get ready.

When you walked out, Pedri wasn't in the room. You walked downstairs to the kitchen and that's where you saw Pedri. He was sitting next to Gavi, both of them were eating breakfast.

"Buenos dias," Gavi greeted when he saw you walking toward them.

"Buenos dias," You said.

"Quieres cereal?" Pedri asked?

"Si, gracias," You said, going to sit down in front of Pedri. You poured the milk and the cereal and quietly ate, watching as Pedri went on his phone for a bit and Gavi just ate in silence.

"Ferran quiere ir a comer después del entreno," Pedri said, making Gavi turn to look at him. "Quieren ir?" He asked as he looked up to look at you and Gavi.

"Si ustedes quieren," Gavi said.

"Quieres ir?" Pedri asked you.

"Lo que tu quieras," You responded. You wanted to go if Pedri wanted to go, especially since it was his friend that wanted to have dinner together.

"Le dire que iremos, y haci tambien puedes conocer mas a mis amigos," Pedri said. "Está bien?" He asked. He still wanted you to be comfortable.

"Suena bien," You smiled reassuringly at him.

"Ya hay que irnos o si no llegaremos tarde y se nos arma," Pedri said, quickly grabbing his plate and putting it in the sink.

"Pablo vendra por mi hoy," Gavi said, making Pedri turn to look at him.

"Vale, te vemos ahi entonces," Pedri nodded his head as he walked past Gavi, ruffling his hair before running away.

You were nervous, but also somewhat excited to see a bit of Pedri's life.

When you told Pedri that it felt like your entry into his world felt forced, you weren't lying. None of this was flowing naturally.

Still, Pedri had spent his time in Mexico getting to know you and also getting to know more about your life; so you were excited to get to learn more about Pedri and how he spends his time in Barcelona.

But you did want to avoid the world of his scandals at all costs.

"Estoy nerviosa," You told him, turning to look at him as he drove.

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