twenty one

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When the song name pops up, that's when you should play the song! Enjoy this chapter and prepare yourselves for the upcoming chapters... Hehe


New York City, that was his surprise.

He had been planning it since the second he found out about the possibility of a vacation. He knew that he had promised you that he would take you there for your "honeymoon," but this opportunity that was right in front of him, was too good to let pass by.

Plus, it felt like the two of you were in a good, stable place.

A good enough place to be able to actually enjoy this trip.

Even if back then that promise seemed like a joke to you, he had meant it. You had probably forgotten all about it, but he hadn't. He had paid close attention to the way your eyes shined whenever you talked about your desire to visit New York.

The timing was absolutely perfect. He wanted you to be able to celebrate in New York City, with him.

"Que hacemos en el aeropuerto?" You asked confused as you sat in the backseat of the taxi.

"Es parte de la sorpresa," He said as he opened the door, getting out and going back to the trunk to take out the luggage he had packed for the two of you in secret.

"Pedri," You got out of the car in a hurry.

"Que pasa?" He was placing the luggage on the ground.

"Adonde vamos,"

"Nueva York," He said, as casual as anything. His words made you widen your eyes and an excited smile began to creep onto your face.

"Nueva York?" You say in complete disbelief. The two of you stood outside the airport, your destination completely unknown to you up until a couple of seconds ago.

"Sorpresa!" He said, smiling at you. Finally done with getting the luggage out.

"Esto es en serio?" You asked, still in complete and utter disbelief.

"No es por nuestra luna de miel, como te lo había prometido, pero de todos modos te quería dar esta sorpresa." He grinned, his body facing you. You could tell that he was proud of the surprise and he had every right to be.

You couldn't stop smiling from how excited you were.

"Gracias, gracias, gracias," You said excitedly as you jumped in his arms causing him to tumble back a little from the sudden impact your bodies had made.

He laughed. He had hoped that you would react like this; happy. So, seeing it actually happen made him feel equally as happy.

The whole time, you were impatient. The plane ride was already long as it was but it felt even longer. You sat by the window, Pedri right next to you. The two of you watching movies to try and make time move quicker.

"Orgullo y Prejuicio, es una clásica, anda, vamos a verla," You begged him.

"No me gustan las películas románticas," He sighed, shaking his head slightly.

"Al menos no te estoy haciendo leer el libro, solo ve la peli conmigo," You smiled at him, still trying to convince him.

"Esta bien," He sighed, defeated, finally giving in.

"Va, ahi van dos horas," You clapped excitedly.

"Dos horas?!" He widened his eyes.

Before he could say anything else, more like, complain anymore, you clicked play.

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