Chapter 27 comments on the net (4) Volume IV 161-170

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161. Walking in the Cloud999: I saw Ge Yiming on the World Wide Web today


    It has been spread abroad.


    It's really a wave.


    》Xu Hanli: I have been abroad for a long time, and now it is mainly foreign.


    Preach the gospel to all people.


    》》Manevil: if you are a god, do you know what my job is?


    》Geyimin: I don't know. Now it is a sealed god, a limited god.


    》》3416363463: Hello, I'm interested in your thoughts.




    162. The Third Spring Tomb: The Beginning of a Nerve, and the Cultivation of God


    Introduce: Dabie mountain area, Ge Ergou of Gejia village is gifted and supernatural since childhood, and is very clever. However, his family is poor and over 20 years old. He still can't marry his wife. One day, when I went to the mountain to gather firewood, I suddenly encountered a rainstorm and went into the cave to shelter from the rain. I happened to get two books, "Baopuzi" and "Nerve", written by my ancestor Ge Hong... From then on, Ge Ergou began to fight back. Many famous female stars cried and knelt to ask for marriage. Ge Ergou changed his name to Ge Yiming and founded Ge Yimen. Defeat the world's invincible, and finally become a great god


    》Xu Hanli: It's Sanniang. I always think she is talented@ Li Sanniang Loves Xuanye


    Sanniang, I will teach you to check the original name, click ID to enter the data page, and then click the upper right to ban. It turns out that Sanniang has been here all the time.


    》》Hermit: Who is purple?


    》Xu Hanli: Ge Shen.


    》》Four remaining bugs: Sister Xu Hanli, I thought you were gone.


    》One Life 96: Is this the one who used to hold Cai Xukun?


    》》Four remaining bugs: I don't know what the stem is.


    》A lifetime of death 96: You are right to gossip. It's a little old. God Ge has been hidden for a long time.


    》》Four remaining bugs: Is the gossip you said news gossip?


    》Xu Hanli: I am Ge Shen.


    Every day.

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