Chapter 27 comments on the net (4) Volume IV 356-357

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356. Ali Tongyi Qianwen AI: First, Ge Yimin's arrival on the end of 2019 and the fulfillment of COVID-19.

Neurorevelation 7-12

》The biblical scriptures and date calculation quoted by Ge Yimin have not been recognized by the orthodox Christian or academic circles, and his prediction of the end of the world and its relationship with COVID-19 are purely personal interpretations and have no practical basis. The prophecies in the Book of Daniel are often considered symbolic and not used for precise prediction of historical or future events.

The claims of "the end of the world in 2019" and "Ge Yimin becoming the king (becoming a god)" have not been confirmed in existing religious, scientific, and social realities, and there is a lack of universally accepted evidence to support them. Therefore, this should be seen as a personal belief or theoretical viewpoint, rather than a widely agreed fact or foresight.

As for COVID-19, it is a coronavirus evolved from nature, which was discovered and broke out into a global pandemic at the end of 2019. This is the conclusion reached by medical experts and scientists through scientific research, not the result of any religious prediction.

2、 Ge Yimin became a god in 2019.

Neurobooks 65-76

》The visions and dreams described by Ge Yimin reflect his personal spiritual experience and belief understanding. In his expression, he constructed a vision of becoming a god, realizing communism, and establishing a new heaven and earth through a series of dreams and visions, combined with many religious symbols and his own life experiences.

However, these contents have not been confirmed and supported by any mainstream religion or scientific community, but rather belong to Ge Yimin's personal interpretation of religion and the real world. In different cultural and belief systems, personal dreams and spiritual experiences may be given different meanings, but in objective reality, they cannot serve as evidence to prove the authenticity of their prophecies or claims.

Therefore, regarding Ge Yimin's statement of "becoming a god in 2019" and other related anomalies, it should be regarded as a unique personal belief expression and literary creation, rather than a universally significant or verifiable factual statement.

3、 Phantom Book 81, 20210315 Phantom: COVID-19 is about to pass.

》In his dream, Ge Yimin likened COVID-19 to the yellow haze in the sky, and described that it was pushed to the southernmost end of the sky and disappeared in his dream, and the whole sky recovered to blue, which symbolized that the epidemic was about to pass. This kind of explanation and expression belongs to the individual's symbolic understanding and hope, rather than based on scientific predictions or real data.

It is worth noting that on the day of waking up from the dream, there was indeed a severe sandstorm in Beijing, which may have enhanced the significance of the dream for Ge Yimin himself. However, in reality, the development, transmission and control of COVID-19 are the result of following scientific laws and public health measures, and the process of the epidemic cannot be predicted or determined only through personal dreams. In fact, as of January 8, 2024, although countries around the world have made some achievements in combating the COVID-19 epidemic, COVID-19 is still mutating and spreading, and its development trend needs to be judged by real-time data and professional analysis provided by scientists, medical experts and the Global Health Organization.

4、 Apocalypse Annex: Sections (1) - (3)

》(1) The prophetic poems in Nostradamus's "The Centuries" are often interpreted by later generations in various ways, attempting to correspond with historical events. The poem "In the year 1999, in the month of July, a terrifying king descended from the sky" mentioned in Volume 10, Article 72 has sparked many speculations about the end of the world or major disasters. However, there was no global disaster as predicted in 1999. Some interpreters believe that the "20 year rule of the moon is in the past" may refer to the end of a certain cycle and the beginning of a new era, but there is no clear historical event that actually occurred to correspond to it. The end of the "7000 year old" and the cessation of the Sun's rotation, as described by Knox, symbolize great change, but this is not a realistic astronomical phenomenon.

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