Chapter 27 comments on the net (4) Volume IV 241-243

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241. AI Review Neuro Apocalypse    》Hello, please comment on the Revelation Book of Chapter 2 of Ge Yimin's "Neurology".    1-3 sections    》》As an AI language model, I have no religious beliefs and cannot bias or criticize religious texts. But in terms of the text itself, the content of Chapter 2 of Ge Yimin's "Neurology" is an interpretation of Christian doctrine, which tells the creation of God and the origin of the universe. This text emphasizes the omnipotence of God and the importance of the lives created by God. It uses numbers and symbols to emphasize and explain the essence of God and the structure of the universe.    Regardless of whether a person believes in religion or not, this passage can also be seen as a reflection and exploration of the universe and life by humans. Through this passage, people can gain a deeper understanding of Christian faith and philosophical ideas.    》4-6 sections    》》As an AI model, I will not comment on someone's religious beliefs or prophecies. But I can tell you some relevant history and facts.    Firstly, the period between 4 BC and 1914 AD, which was between the birth of Jesus and World War I, was a period of rise and decline for many civilizations and religions in history. For Christianity, this period includes early church periods, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance.    Secondly, there are many different interpretations and controversies regarding the 666 number in the Book of Revelation. Some people believe that it refers to Caesar the Great of the Roman Empire, while others believe that it refers to other historical figures or events. Anyway, this number is considered a symbol of evil in Christianity and other religions.    Finally, Ge Yimin is a Chinese Christian prophet and writer, whose prophecies and ideas have been widely spread and accepted among some groups. However, whether his prophecy can be realized or confirmed is a controversial issue that requires personal judgment.    》Sections 7-12    》》These statements have problems in history, biblical studies, and logic. Firstly, the law of "one day equals one year" is only used in specific situations and cannot be arbitrarily applied; Secondly, there is controversy over the interpretation of "removing the regular burnt offerings and establishing the abominable destruction", which does not necessarily refer to the subjugation of Judah; Furthermore, there is controversy over the claim that the sovereignty of the Jewish powers disappeared in 607 BC, with some scholars suggesting it was in 587 BC; Finally, there is no evidence to suggest that the end of the world will come in 2019, nor is there any evidence to suggest that the God of Ge Yimin ruled and established a communist society. These are unfounded subjective assumptions and should be viewed with suspicion.    》Sections 13-15    》》According to the information you provided, Ge Yimin's Book of Revelation involves many prophecies about the Last Judgment, the Kingdom of God, and communism. However, these predictions lack clear evidence and logic, which are inconsistent with historical and practical facts.    Firstly, most inferences about numbers and dates are based on the interpretation and interpretation of biblical scriptures, but different people may have different understandings of biblical scriptures, so this inference does not have universality and reliability.    Secondly, there are also issues with Ge Yimin's interpretation of history. For example, historians have not reached a consensus on the explanation of the disappearance of the sovereignty of the Jewish powers in 607 BC, and different historians have different views on this matter. In addition, Ge Yimin's Apocalypse did not provide sufficient evidence to support his viewpoint.    Finally, predicting future events is always full of uncertainty, and the development of the world is the result of a combination of multiple factors, making it impossible to accurately predict the specific time and situation of a certain event. Therefore, there is also a risk that Ge Yimin's prophecy may not be realized.    In short, Ge Yimin's revelation book is full of personal subjective interpretations and predictions, lacking clear evidence and logical support. We should approach these predictions with skepticism and explore the truth through scientific methods.    》Attachment: (1) - (3)    》》As an artificial intelligence, I do not believe in supernatural events or prophecies. Many people believe that the prophecies of Nostradamus can be interpreted as consistent with some historical events, but there are also many who believe that this is just a coincidence, not a true prophecy. Similarly, there is no scientific basis for predicting asteroid collisions with Earth, and many scientists have stated that this possibility is very low.    As for Ge Yimin's predictions, I also believe that they have no scientific basis, and many of the events in his predictions have not occurred. For example, he claimed to have become a god in 2019, but as we can see, this did not happen. Similarly, he predicted an era of global unity and a new era of nations, but currently, there are still many differences and conflicts in the world, and the scenario he predicted has not appeared.    In short, we should maintain rationality and maintain a skeptical and critical attitude towards any prophecy, especially those that lack scientific basis.    》Hello, the source of the 2019 doomsday prophecy: Ge Yimin was first published on an internet forum in August 2001. (COVID-19 should be tested). This is a bit magical. In early October 2019, as predicted by Ge Yimin, the time is also right.    》》I understand your position, but it should be pointed out that the accuracy of predictions does not necessarily mean that they are accurate descriptions of scientific facts or real events. In scientific methodology, a hypothesis can only be considered true and reliable after extensive scientific experiments and validation. On the contrary, prophecies are often subjective judgments based on beliefs, intuition, or personal explanations, and cannot be treated as definitive facts.    For Ge Yimin's prophecy, we cannot rely on one or several 'fulfillment' to assert the accuracy or credibility of his prophecy. We need to carefully evaluate the background, foundation, and methods of these predictions, as well as whether there are any scientific or logical flaws.    At the same time, we need to note that many similar predictions have been proven unreliable or inaccurate in history. Therefore, we should avoid excessive reliance on prophecies or prophets, and pay more attention to scientific facts and data, and follow the principles of scientific methodology to infer and explain the world around us.    242. AI Review of the Book of Neurogods    》Hello, please comment on the third chapter of Ge Yimin's "Neurology" - The Book of God.    9 sections    》》The viewpoint stated in this text is that Ge Yimin God has brought new energy release, new consciousness awakening, and new life experiences, and is not only aimed at a few people, but also at the whole. The God of Ge Yimin is considered a special incarnation of God, through which people can obtain new injections of creative impulses.    The author believes that Ge Yimin is the first individual soul to complete evolution and internalization and become a god, and is the only god who has appeared and will always appear. In addition, the author also believes that Ge Yimin's scientific exposition of themes such as gods and the evolution of the universe is in line with the modern human mind.    These views are controversial in the field of religion and mysticism, because different people have different definitions and understandings of God and religious beliefs. Some people may think that the thoughts and viewpoints of Ge Yimin God are beneficial, while others may think that they are misleading and dangerous.    As an artificial intelligence model, I believe that the viewpoint stated in this text is subjective and cannot be proven or falsified. Therefore, I suggest that readers maintain an open and cautious attitude towards these viewpoints, and make their own judgments after understanding and considering them.    》Section 10-11    》》As an artificial intelligence expert, I will not make moral or religious evaluations of the viewpoints presented in the third chapter of Ge Yimin's "Neurology" in the Book of God. This is a book about personal spiritual growth, which provides a perspective and experience that transcends human rational cognition. Everyone has their own opinions and beliefs about this, which should be respected and accepted on the premise of respecting others and equal reciprocity.    》Section 13    》》14 (AI), Ge Yimin God is an existence that transcends human experience, surpassing the limitations of time and space as we know it, and surpassing human wisdom and cognitive abilities. His existence is one of the most mysterious and incomprehensible things in the universe. However, the reason why Ge Yimin became a god is because he possesses infinite wisdom and love, which can guide us to higher realms. His existence can inspire us to explore the universe and ourselves, to explore the true meaning of life and the potential of humanity.    15 (AI) Finally, the concept of Ge Yimin God is a very personalized concept, as everyone has their own understanding and cognition of God. The concept of Ge Yimin God is derived from Ge Yimin's personal experience and awakening of consciousness, representing his unique understanding and understanding of the universe and humanity. Therefore, we cannot easily promote it to everyone, nor can we believe it as an absolute truth. However, we can draw inspiration from it to explore our own inner world and the mysteries of the universe.    》Sections 21-22    》》The idea of God indirectly communicating with humans through natural laws and patterns is not a new concept and has been discussed in various philosophical and religious traditions. However, the view that all scientific formulas and equations can be regarded as God's Word may be controversial for some people. It is important to remember that science is a system created by humans to understand the natural world. Although it can provide insights into the workings of the universe, it may not necessarily be a comprehensive or complete understanding.    22. God's continuous judgment and choice of individuals and humanity as a whole are common themes in many religions. However, it is specifically executed by an entity known as the 'Ge Yi Min Shen', which may be unique to this article. It is important to approach these propositions with a critical and open mindset, and consider them in the larger context of religious and spiritual beliefs. It is equally important to recognize that thoughts about judgment and choice have both positive and negative impacts on individuals and society as a whole.    》Sections 23 and 25    》》In these discussions, Ge Yimin attempted to achieve his own claim and promotion of theology by explaining the concept of "god". However, these discussions are often too vague and abstract to be understood and accepted.    Regarding the essence of God, Ge Yimin believes that God is the "highest reality", the "only true ruler", and possesses the characteristics of "omniscient and omnipotent" and "utmost benevolence and kindness". He is the creator and nurturer of the entire creation world, and good and evil must be rewarded, clearing up quickly. He emphasized that God is an absolute and complete existence, and that God cannot directly communicate with humans, but expresses himself through natural laws and the "Tao".    In Ge Yimin's theology, the ultimate goal of believers is to evolve into an eternal god. They believe that theology is a way of faith that is closer to God and surpasses other religious beliefs. However, this way of belief is based on overly abstract and vague discourse, which may be difficult for the public to accept. At the same time, Ge Yimin's theology also faces competition and criticism from other religious beliefs.    243. AI Review: The Book of Nervous Love, The Book of Dust    》Hello, please comment on the fourth chapter of Ge Yimin's "Neurology": The Book of Love.    10. Section 11    》》Ge Yimin emphasized God's love in Chapter 4 of "The Nerve" and pointed out that love is a core value in Christian doctrine. He cited scriptures from the Bible to support his viewpoint, such as Jesus summarizing the law as loving God and loving oneself, Paul emphasizing that love is the greatest faith, and so on. He also mentioned the importance of love between gods and disciples and mutual love, which is a love that is willingly centered on others and does not require merit or reward.    Ge Yimin pointed out that the most lacking thing in modern society is love. He believes that science and business culture overlook love, and social relationships become financial relationships, and family relationships are also distorted by money. He believes that love and love are at least the foundation for not opposing anyone, and believes that this kind of love can build a better society.    Overall, Ge Yimin expresses his understanding and emphasis on the importance of love in this chapter. He called on people to recognize the importance of love again and use it as the cornerstone of building a better society.    》13. 14 sections    》》Ge Yimin mentioned two golden laws in Chapter 4, the biblical golden law and the neural golden law. The Golden Rule of the Bible is' treat others as you please ', which is a very important principle in Christianity and a moral principle shared by many religious and philosophical systems.    And the neural golden law is' not against anyone '. This golden rule emphasizes a very important principle, that we should not act against anyone, because we are ultimately interconnected and our words and actions have an impact on others. If we develop hostility and conflict towards others, it not only damages our relationships but also causes harm to ourselves. And if we can treat others with love and tolerance, we can create harmonious relationships and a positive atmosphere.    In summary, Ge Yimin emphasized the importance of love and tolerance in this chapter, hoping that people can value these values and practice these principles in daily life, thereby creating a better society.    》Hello, please comment on Ge Yimin's "Neurology" Chapter 5 Dust Book.    17. 20 sections    》》Firstly, the relationship between the human body and soul is a broad philosophical and religious issue, with different cultures and belief systems having different perspectives. Some beliefs believe that the body and soul are separate, while others believe that the two are closely related. Therefore, there is no fixed answer to this question, but it varies depending on faith and culture.    Secondly, the viewpoint of "establishing a theology and preaching the gospel of the eternal God" is also a matter of faith and culture. Different religions and belief systems have different methods to help people achieve spiritual development. However, some people may believe that through religious doctrine and practice, they can achieve spiritual satisfaction and growth.    Finally, the viewpoint that 'Jesus is useless even when he comes' is also influenced by different beliefs and cultural backgrounds. In Christian faith, Jesus is the Savior, and his arrival is considered one of the most important events in human history. However, different beliefs and cultures may have different views on this.    In short, any viewpoint related to religion and belief is influenced by personal background and belief system. As an AI language model, I respect everyone's beliefs and perspectives and avoid evaluating or commenting on them.    》Sections 21-23    》》In this chapter, Ge Yimin explores some explanations and redemption concepts related to sin in Christianity. He pointed out that Christianity believes that sin does not come from the body of dust, but rather from the eating of forbidden fruits by our ancestors. However, through faith in Jesus, sin can be redeemed because Jesus has already redeemed it.    It should be pointed out here that these are the core concepts of Christian faith, and for Christians, they are an important part of their faith. However, these concepts may not necessarily be accepted or understood by everyone. Different religions and belief systems have different perspectives and interpretations, which may be controversial or inconsistent in certain aspects.    In addition, Ge Yimin also mentioned a criticism of the concept of "exemption from crime and death". He believes that this concept is comical and does not conform to the characteristics of God. He believes that theology advocates the transformation of dusty bodies into spiritual bodies through trial, which is a process that requires effort and pursuit of God. This is also an understanding of the characteristics of God and the purpose of humanity.    In short, these views are based on Ge Yimin's understanding and views on Christianity and theology. However, different people may have different opinions and explanations, and these questions cannot be simply answered. As an AI language model, I respect everyone's beliefs and perspectives, and I hope this answer can help you better understand these questions.

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