Chapter 27 comments on the net (4) Volume IV 297-298

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297. AI Review "Neurology" Chapter 25 Saints' Witnesses 28-33


    》Sections 28 and 29


    》》These comments continue to link Ge Yimin with the Son of God, describing theology as the sect founded by the Son of God. Both Ge Yimin and Shinto are seen as existence beyond commodities and do not need to be promoted through hype and propaganda. As the son of God, Ge Yimin witnessed the power of God through true testimony and was established as the law of heaven, possessing a noble legal status and true legal validity. Whether it is an angel, an enemy, or a divine son, they will acknowledge and respect Ge Yimin's true testimony, treating him like a god.


    In addition, the comment mentioned a prayer witness about detoxification ability. In this witness, the supervisor praised Ge Yimin for his ability to detoxify Chen Xionghuang and his ability to deal with "poisonous snakes" on the internet with ease. This detoxification ability is described as an ability to guard against negative impacts in the network and provide assistance to those troubled by "snake bites". This witness is seen as a confirmation of Ge Yimin's abilities and appreciation for his character, expressing sincere praise and a sense of security towards him.




    》Sections 30, 31, and 32


    》》30. Li Min's comments express disappointment and sadness towards Ge Yimin, feeling that they can no longer go back to the past, and their lifestyles and thoughts are no longer consistent. This is an expression of personal emotions that is somewhat detached from the theme of Ge Yimin's "Neurology".


    31. The comment of Feiyu Manjusha cites Nietzsche's words, pointing out that God has passed away, while Ge Yimin is seen as the arrival of a new era and a substitute for God. The comments also mentioned the concepts of finiteness and infinity, as well as company and money, but they are not closely related to the content of 'Neurology'.


    32. Wang Shanshan's comments expressed that as long as Ge Yimin is constantly mentioned, ideology can also attract attention. This may be satirizing or teasing the views of Ge Yimin and his influence.




    》33 sections


    》》From the chat record you provided, it can be seen that this is a conversation related to Ge Yimin's beliefs. According to this dialogue, Ge Yimin claims to be a people of God, inspired by God, and claims to be the Jesus who comes again. He also mentioned some personal aspirations and goals, including unifying the world and pursuing the happiness of all humanity.


    However, this self proclaimed and viewpoint is not consistent with the mainstream Christian beliefs. Christianity believes that Jesus Christ is the unique Son of God and the Savior of humanity, but there has never been a situation in the Bible where Jesus or others claim to be the Son of God. Therefore, Ge Yimin's viewpoint is very unusual in Christian doctrine and may cause controversy.


    In addition, any individual who claims to be a God's people or the coming Jesus needs to be treated with caution. Christian doctrine emphasizes that believers should discern truth and falsehood through the guidance of the Bible and the Holy Spirit when receiving God's revelation. Believers should use prudence and wisdom to evaluate such claims and compare them with the teachings of the Bible.

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