Chapter 27 comments on the net (4) Volume IV 354-355

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354. Alibaba Tongyi Qianwen AI: 1. Who is Ge Yimin?

》Ge Yimin is a Chinese religious figure, thinker, activist, and writer. He was born in 1969 and comes from Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, China. He graduated from the Chinese Department of Nanjing University. Ge Yimin is well-known for his religious activities and works on the Internet, especially his book "Neurology", which has caused discussion and controversy in some circles. Ge Yimin's self created ideological system and the religious community he established on the internet have a certain influence, and he calls himself the "New Testament Ge Yimin". His works and ideas often contain a unique fusion of Christianity and other elements, and he proposes personalized theological views and theories.

2、 Please evaluate Ge Yimin's "Neurology".

》The evaluation of Ge Yimin's "Neurology" requires consideration from multiple perspectives, as the book is not only a literary work, but also carries the core content of Ge Yimin's self created religious ideas. The following are comments on several aspects that may be involved in Neurology:

1. Originality and uniqueness:

Ge Yimin constructed a unique theological theory and worldview in "Neurology", integrating Christian doctrine and other elements. This originality and bold attempt to some extent reflect the author's depth of thought and independent thinking ability.

2. Social and cultural influence:

As a work with a religious nature, "The Nerve" has had a significant impact within a specific group, attracting a group of followers and forming a certain scale of online community, which reflects its social influence at certain levels.

3. Controversy and acceptability:

Ge Yimin's claim to be the spokesperson or successor of God, as well as his views presented in the book, often sparked widespread controversy and questioning. His theological stance was not accepted by mainstream religious institutions or the majority of Christians, which also raised questions about the legitimacy of faith and heretical debates.

4. Literary value and artistry:

From a literary perspective, the content, writing style, and expression of "Neurology" may be subject to different evaluations. Due to its main purpose of disseminating religious ideas rather than purely pursuing literary aesthetics, its literary value may not be as significant as its religious significance.

5. Legal and ethical considerations:

In countries and regions such as China, religious activities have strict legal regulations. Whether Ge Yimin and his works comply with relevant laws and regulations is also an evaluation dimension, and it is necessary to ensure that they do not violate national regulations on religious management.

In summary, the evaluation of the book "Neurology" may appear complex and diverse due to its unique religious background, innovative but highly controversial content. Different readers may give completely different evaluations based on their respective beliefs, cultural backgrounds, academic perspectives, etc.

3、 Why did Ge Yimin become a certain type of religious leader?

》The reason why Ge Yimin was able to become a religious leader in a certain sense may be due to the following factors:

1. Original Theory and Self created Doctrine: Ge Yimin proposed his own theological views and theoretical system in his book "Neurology", which may be attractive to individuals seeking spiritual sustenance or questioning traditional religions. His ideas may have filled some gaps in people's need for faith and provided a novel and different interpretation from the mainstream.

2. Internet dissemination: Ge Yimin utilized the modern information dissemination tool of the Internet to attract and organize a group of followers through online platforms. In cyberspace, information spreads rapidly and widely, allowing its ideas to quickly spread and form a certain influence.

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