Chapter 27 comments on the net (4) Volume IV 275-276

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275. AI comments on sections 9 and 22 of the "Neurology" political commentary book


    》Hello, please continue to comment on Ge Yimin's political commentary in Chapter 21 of his book "Neurology".


    9 sections


    》》In this chapter, Ge Yimin attempts to analyze the words and deeds of the founders of four religions to determine whether they are lying. He pointed out that from the current materials, none of the four religious leaders have lied. However, he also attempted to propose different premises to reflect and discuss the possibility of whether these religious founders were lying.


    Regarding Jesus, Ge Yimin pointed out that Jesus' moral character and his willingness to die claiming to be God have led many people to believe that he was not lying. In addition, Jesus' self-control and composure in the face of immense physical and emotional pressure also led people to believe that he had come into contact with real things and could not be lying.


    For Muhammad, he claimed that he was a prophet of Allah, and the Koran came down after the archangel appeared to him. Ge Yimin believes that if Mohammed lies, then it cannot explain the origin of the Quran. Since Mohammed was uneducated and could neither read nor write, he could not write the Koran without the help of the archangel. Therefore, Ge Yimin believes that Mohammed is likely not lying.


    Regarding what Shakyamuni said, you mentioned a very important point, that is, how far and how close his words are to reality is a more crucial issue. This is also an important concept in Buddhism, that is, the emptiness of the origin of various Dharma, which refers to the interdependence and origin of all beings, and there is no essential existence or reality. Therefore, Shakyamuni's so-called "realization of the reality of life" can also be understood as understanding the primordial emptiness of various laws, rather than the true meaning of reality.


    As for Mr. Ge Yimin's identity and beliefs, they should indeed be taken into account when commenting on his works. However, a person's identity and beliefs cannot be the sole criterion for the authenticity and correctness of their words. Therefore, we still need to evaluate and judge their statements based on facts and logic.


    Overall, Ge Yimin provided some interesting reflections and discussions in this chapter, but these discussions did not reach definitive conclusions as the words and actions of these founders may have multiple interpretations and interpretations.




    》22. Adventures of Ge Yimin's Divine Police Station


    》》This chapter mainly tells the story of Ge Yimin being summoned by the local police station in 2019. According to Ge Yimin, the main reason why he was summoned was because his articles related to Comrade Deng Pufang and a series of articles on "training to become a pig".


    When Ge Yimin faced the questioning from the police, he didn't take it seriously at first, thinking that this was just a common tactic used by the public security department to manipulate his official website. But the police seriously questioned his questions and attempted to understand his motivation and purpose in writing these articles.

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