Chapter 27 comments on the net (4) Volume IV 305-306

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305. The First Prophet of Macau: Ge also dragged down the gods


    The original god has powers, and with the help of the god Ge Pan, the impression that the god is even more incompetent than ordinary people has been transformed for more than a decade.


    》Yifei 13:37:54


    Do you believe in universal value?


    Ge Yimin 13:39:17


    Of course I do. I am a liberal and democratic person


    Yifei 13:40:36


    So you are a liberal, not a leftist


    Ge Yimin 14:01:36


    Ge faction, Ge style communism


    Yifei June 3, 2023 14:48:02


    Your name is liberal


    Diving: Yifei (3452242406) 14:59:35


    Ge Shen belongs to heresy


    【 Group Leader 】 Ge Yimin (50914333) 15:00:09


    I created God through generations


    Diving: Yifei (3452242406) 15:05:46


    So why do you believe in liberalism?


    【 Group Leader 】 Ge Yimin (50914333) 15:09:29


    The goal of human evolution is to achieve human nature, and only when individuals obtain absolute freedom can human nature achieve its fullest realization.


    Absolute communism, absolute freedom, absolute democracy


    Diving: Yifei (3452242406) 15:15:09


    What if it can't be completed? Are they all slaughtered?


    【 Group Leader 】 Ge Yimin (50914333) 15:16:09


    twenty million three hundred and thirty-one thousand one hundred and twenty-six


    AI brings great material richness


    Diving: Yifei (3452242406) 15:16:51

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