Chapter 27 comments on the net (4) Volume IV 295-296

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295. AI Review "Neurology" Chapter 25 Saints' Witnesses 8-19


    》8. Sections 9 and 10


    》》The system MK7 mentions that the number of believers in Ge Yimin exceeds 100000, but this number may refer to actual believers rather than online believers. In addition, MK7 claims to be a prophet and understands the situation of Ge Yimin in this life and the afterlife.


    The world in the sacred fire mentions that Ge Yimin is at least a mountain peak, implying that he holds an important position and influence to some extent.


    The Apostle Guangcai praised Ge Yimin as an outstanding modern online religious and literary figure. His work "The Nerve" has 100000 words and has been widely praised and sought after in posts and forums. The commentator claimed to be a loyal follower of Ge Yimin, claiming that his belief in Ge Yimin enabled him to unleash his talents.


    These comments reflect the admiration and recognition of Ge Yimin and his work "The Nerve" among some people, while also expressing their faith in Ge Yimin and affirmation of his influence.




    》11. Sections 12 and 13


    》》The Apostle Guangcai mentioned that those who believed in the God of Ge Yimin had not seen him with their own eyes, but they still firmly believed and practiced it, which is considered a miracle. This is similar to people's belief in God, even if they have not seen it with their own eyes, they still believe in the existence of God. The commentator believes that God, like the God of Ge Yimin, does not appear due to fame and fortune, but rather blesses those who truly believe in him in the dark.


    System MK7 claims that there are over 100000 followers of Ge Yimin, concentrated in his area, including a residential area located in an underground cavity in the United States, practicing communism. The commentator believes that these situations look like they will happen thousands of years later, and points out that satellites cannot see underground and can only see nearby forests.


    Another commentator mentioned that the true end was in 2019 and cited a passage from the Book of Ecclesiastes to support his view, stating that Ge Yimin emerged from prison in 2019 and became the king of the earth, with a large number of people.




    》14. Sections 15, 16, 17, and 18


    》》These comments further explore the identity and status of Ge Yimin and compare him with Jesus Christ.


    The top-notch comments from the Earth Immortals suggest that there is not much difference in the behavior of Jesus and Ge Yimin, implying that the two have similar traits and actions.


    Xunzhiwei revealed in the comments that a person claimed to be a Saint of Ziwei, and the true identity of this Saint of Ziwei was Ge Yimin. This suggests that Ge Yimin is regarded as a saint of Ziwei by some believers.

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